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If that was all you ever did, it would make you skinny sooner or later (shortly before you died). Otherwise, the only effects it will have are making your nose very sore.

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Q: Does snorting ibuprofen make you skinny?
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I have snorted Oxycontin before but i was given a hydrocodone bitartrate ibuprofen im afraid because there is so much ibuprofen in it can i snort it?

Do not snort hydrocodone or ibuprofren because it will not do anything for you. you only can snort Oxycontin. If you try and snort the vicodin you are basically snorting Tylenol also and that is not good. hope this helps Ignore the person above, snorting hydrocodone will have an effect on you depending on your tolerance from the oxycontin. however, the ibuprofen will burn your throat and nose slightly. it irritates the membrane but will still have the effect. dissolving into water would lessen the pain but also the effects.

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What would happen if you snorted Ibupofen 400Mg?

First of all, you could damage your nose. Second, you might feel some pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects, but it would not make you "high" because ibuprofen is just a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory, it has no narcotic effects. The ibuprofen particles would also go into your lungs and possibly cause a blockage. Snorting it would probably also burn your nasal passages, that is why ibuprofen is coated, because it can cause a burning sensation.

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