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Does not, in solid form there are no free ions so can not move towards cathode and anode plates so can not conduct electricity.

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Q: Does sodium bromide conduct electricity when sold?
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How do you raise pH level in pool?

You can use soda ash (sodium carbonate), sold as pH Increaser, pH UP or Arm & Hammer Washing soda. You can also use borax, sold as 20 Mule Team Borax. Sodium bicarbonate, sold as baking soda, Alkalinity Increaser or Alk Up, will raise pool pH levels, but not very efficiently.

How do you raise pH levels in swimming pools?

Soda ash (sodium carbonate), sold as pH Increaser, pH UP or Arm & Hammer Washing soda, will do the trick. You can also use borax, sold as 20 Mule Team Borax.

What product is sold by its real chemical name?

Most products are not sold by their actual chemical names. A very few, however, are known by their true chemical names or close variants. Metals are simply known by and sold under the name of the element (copper, lead, iron, etc.), while other products are known by their common molecular names like sodium bicarbonate (soda), lithium (medication), and helium (to fill balloons).

Is table salt an homogeneous mixture?

Not usually: The major ingredient of table salt, pure sodium chloride, is a chemical compound and not usually considered to be a mixture at all, even though it could be described as a mixture of sodium ions and chloride ions. If this were considered to be a mixture, it would be considered to be a homogeneous one. More practically, however, table salt sold in industrialized economies generally contains small amounts of a desiccant to prevent clogging of salt shakers in humid weather, and this would usually be present in such a size as to prevent its being considered homogeneously mixed with the sodium chloride. Also, in many instances, sodium iodide is deliberately added to able salt to prevent iodine deficiencies in those who use it, and this additive may or may not have a particle size that would cause a mixture of it with pure sodium chloride to be homogeneous.

What is in OXICLEAN?

OxiClean®Sodium Percarbonate:According to research by Laundry Alternative, OxiClean® consists of 50 to 60 percent sodium percarbonate. Sodium percarbonate must be added to water to be activated. When activated, it breaks down into hydrogen peroxide and sodium carbonate in solution. The bubbling action, or the release of oxygen molecules, loosens stain molecules from fibers so they can be rinsed away.Soda Ash (Sodium Carbonate): Sodium carbonate, or soda ash, is also sold separately as washing soda. As one component of activated sodium percarbonate, it boosts the water's pH, making it more alkaline, which neutralizes acids that may be produced during the cleaning process so the stain molecules can be rinsed away easily. When properly dissolved, the pH of OxiClean® can be as high as 11. Some items, such as carpeting, have warranty limitations or recommended pH cleaning of no more than 10.Hydrogen Peroxide:The hydrogen peroxide component of the activated sodium percarbonate works as a bleach and sanitizer. It breaks down into oxygen and water.Surfactants (Detergents): OxiClean® contains low-sudsing surfactants to complete the cleaning process. These are non-ionic detergents, which are neutral and do not react to hard water ions.

Related questions

Can a sold conduct an electric current?

Solids can definitely conduct electricity -- like copper wires. It is a general property of metals.

Why does lithium metal conduct electricity well where as sold lithium chloride does not?

Lithium chloride is a completely different substance than lithium metal. Sodium chloride is table salt however table salt isn't highly corrosive or explosive in water. Properties can change dramatically when compounds are formed.

Can isopropanol conduct elecricty?

Isopropanol would be a very poor conductor of electricity. Isopropyl alcohol as sold in stores is 30% water and the solution would conduct electricity more easily than either distilled water or Isopropanol. This would be a very easy experiment to set up with a DC power source, an ammeter, and 3 glass containers.

How is divalproex sodium sold?

In the United States, valproic acid and divalproex sodium are sold under the brand names Depekene and Depakote

How can you sell renewable energy such as electricity?

Electricity from renewable resources is just the same electricity. It is fed into the electricity grid and sold to householders as usual.

How much does 1 volt of electricity cost?

Electricity is not sold by the volt. It is sold by the watt, a unit of power. One watt equals one volt-ampere.

Why can't i find out the simple answer to the cost per kilowatt?

Because electricity is no sold in kilowatts, it is sold in kilowatt hours.

In what quantity is wind energy sold?

Assuming it is used to produce electricity, it will be sold in kWh, or MWh probably on a commercial scale.

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How do you dispose of Potassium Chloride that is out dated?

Wash it down the drain with plenty of water - it is sold as lo-salt - low sodium (sodium-free) table salt.

How do you conduct a science investigatory report?

Just think of something being sold in the market which you want to improve.

Why is electricity from Texas sold to California?

Because Texas has more than they need and California does not have enough.