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Wind energy and solar energy are alternative energy sources they are NOT the same, solar energy comes from the suns heat while wind energy comes from the wind. Solar energy is generally collected with solar panels while wind energy is generated when the wind turns wind mill like structures that in turn, turn turbines that generate electricity.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Solar energy comes from the sun. So does wind energy.

Fossil fuels also ultimately derived from the sun.

The only energy sources that are NOT solar are geothermal energy, which comes from heat generated by the decay of long lived isotopes deep within the earth, which were formed in some supernova long before our sun formed, and nuclear power (both fusion and fission).

Hydropower? The sun drives the water cycle.

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14y ago

Absolutely. With the assistance of the rotating Earth.

Warming the ground (or the sea) warms the air above it. The air rises (and the pressure falls) and air from higher pressure areas move in i.e. Wind.

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14y ago

Wind energy is not a form of solar energy. The word solar implies something related to the sun. Today, wind energy is being called an "alternative energy source," as is solar energy.

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12y ago

No. Wind is a form of alternative energy.

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Q: Does solar energy come from the sun or from wind?
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Why is wind energy called solar energy?

Wind energy is not called solar energy. Solar energy is the energy from the sun, while wind energy is just wind energy.

What are 5 differences between solar and wind energy?

solar energy is energy from the sun and wind energy is energy from the wind

Is wind energie the same as solar energy?

No, wind energy comes from the wind and solar energy comes from the sun.

Should you use the sun for solar energy?

Sun = solar. if you use wind then you would have to call it wind energy.

What are two differences between using solar energy and wind energy?

One difference is the source: solar energy comes from the sun, while wind energy comes from the movement of air. Another difference is the way energy is converted: solar energy is converted directly using solar panels, while wind energy is converted through wind turbines.

What is the source of energy that causes wind to blow?

The energy to create wind comes from solar energy.

Is wind power a type of solar energy?

Wind power is not a type of solar energy. Wind power is generated by harnessing the kinetic energy of moving air, while solar energy is derived from capturing sunlight and converting it into electricity. Both are forms of renewable energy, but they are distinct sources with different mechanisms of generation.

What is the difference between solar energy and wind energy?

The difference between solar energy and wind energy is that solar energy comes from the sun and is in the form of waves. However they are both renewable energy resources.

What is solar energy and where does it come from?

Solar energy is energy that comes from the sun.

Where does the solar energy come from?

The Sun. The Sun.

Where does the power of solar energy come from?

Solar energy comes from the sun.

What is energy that come to earth form the sun?

The energy from the Sun is solar energy.