

Does sound waves travel through ice or rock?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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it travels through rock quickest even if they are both solids eking

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Q: Does sound waves travel through ice or rock?
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Does sound travel through rock?

Yes, sound can travel through rock, but at a much slower speed than through air or water. This is because rocks are denser and more rigid, causing sound waves to be absorbed and lose energy as they travel through the rock.

What layer of earth will waves travel through faster?

The mantle of course.....because sound waves travel through liquid like surfaces better than solid rock.

Which travels faster P waves or S waves?

p waves because they move rock back and forth which squeezes and strecthes the rock as they travel through the rock. s waves shear rock side to side as they travel through the rock

What does sound travel from place to place through?

Sound travels from place to place in the form of pressure waves in matter such as air, water, rock or soil.

What medium do sound waves travel fastest in?

Sound waves travel fastest through solid mediums, such as metal or rock, because the particles are packed closely together and can transmit the vibrations more efficiently compared to liquids or gases.

S waves can only travel through?

S waves can only travel through solid materials, such as rock or metal. They are unable to pass through liquids or gases because these fluids do not have the necessary rigidity for S waves to propagate.

What waves travel through rock with the greatest velocity?


Why do sound waves move faster through a solid like rock than through a gas like air?

Sound waves move faster through solids like rock because the particles in solids are closely packed together, allowing for quicker transmission of energy. In contrast, in gases like air, particles are more spread out, leading to a slower propagation of sound waves.

P waves can travel through solids and liquids but S waves can only travel through solids P waves travel faster through rock than through liquid This fact is used to help determine the composition yo?

...the composition of the Earth.

Do sound wave through solid is longitudinal?

Yes, sound waves through solids are longitudinal waves, where the particles in the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of wave propagation. This is in contrast to transverse waves, where particles move perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.

What are 2 examples of longitude waves?

Two examples of longitudinal waves are sound waves and seismic waves. Sound waves travel through a medium by compressing and expanding the material in the same direction as the wave's propagation. Seismic waves are produced by earthquakes and move through the Earth's interior by compressing and expanding the rock particles in the direction of the wave.

What Type of seismic wave that travels the fastest through rock material by causing rocks to vibrate in the same direction as the waves?

Primary (P) waves are the fastest seismic waves that travel through rock material by causing rocks to vibrate in the same direction as the waves. P waves are able to travel through solids, liquids, and gases.