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Q: Does spraying old spice in eyes a lot cause blindness?
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What causes blindness from eyes popping out?

ermmm... 'missing eyeballs' will be the cause of blindness

Does bleach cause blindness when it gets in the eyes?

it can

Can vapor rub cause blindness?

If you put it in your eyes it would cause a reaction.

How can cigarettes cause blindness with graves disease?

If you have the disease and accidentally stab yourself in the eyes with a lit cigarette....blindness may occur.

Can living in total darkness ultimately cause blindness and why?

No it can but u would have weak eyes

Are color blindness and blindness the same thing?

No - colour-blindness is the inability of the brain to interpret correctly colours that the eyes see, or maybe the eyes have a defect in their structure that sends the wrong signals to the brain. Blindness (total?) is when the eyes are unable to send visual signals to the brain at all. Maybe the optic nerve is damaged, or the eyes themselves are damaged - there are various medical reasons for the cause of blindness.

What are some of the causes of eye ailments?

sore eyes, irritated eyes sore eyes, irritated eyes

What is the main cause of blindness in Nigeria?

some snakes put venom in their eyes which makes them blind

Why do you need vitamin A?

vision - deficiency can cause blindness maintaining healthy skin for healthy eyes

What is the kind of blindness that Vitamin A deficiency causes?

The first sign of Vitamin A deficiency is night blindness. Severe Vitamin A deficiency can cause Xerophthalmia (dry eye in which the eyes cannot produce tears) and complete blindness.

What diseases for cats cause cloudy blind eyes?

A cataract is when a cats eye or eyes become foggy or clouded over causing blindness.

What if you open the puppies eyes before there ready?

You may damage them and cause blindness as well as other defects.