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yes but look at korean sites. they say it lowers it also.

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Q: Does squid have much cholesterol
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Does cooked Squid contain good fat or bad fat and high good cholesterol or high bad cholesterol?

cooked squid has bad fat because of all the junk it eats when its alive all the fat squids eat from other animals get stuck on the squid making the squid itself have fat so if you eat a squid please beware if u ever get a bit of fat u may be eating fat from other sea creatures and squid also contains high bad cholesterol because of the salty water the squid drinks from the sea the salt that they drink from the sea disolves in squid with its food and it is impossible to remove salt from the squid because if u did u would have one very cut up squid also the salt gives it a better taste but too much salt in the squid can give u high cholesterol levels

Squid has high cholesterol?

no they are not there actually very low in cholesteral

How much squid weighs?

Depends on the species of the squid.

How often does a squid eat?

How much and how often does a squid eat

Does seafood have cholesterol?

shellfish have a lot of cholesterol

How much ink does a squid have?

The squid's ink amount depends on the size of the squid. The ink is used to confuse and paralyze the squid's attacker so that the squid can escape.

How much cholesterol in coffee?

no cholesterol in coffee

How much does the normal squid weigh not giant or collossal squid. normal AVERAGE squid?

The normal squid weighs approximately 10 stone.

How much cholesterol is in Chylomicrons?

They contain about 7% cholesterol

How much cholesterol in shrimp?

shrimp cholesterol concentration is

How much do squid eat?

as much as they want

How much does the average squid weigh?

There is no 'average' squid. There are some 300 species of squid, all have their own average sizes.