

Does starfish have blood

Updated: 11/1/2022
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15y ago

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No, they have water pumped throughout their bodies instead of blood. They use the water vascular system.

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Q: Does starfish have blood
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Are starfish ectotherms or endotherms?

A starfish is a ectotherm. (ectotherm means cold blooded)

What does a blood starfish eat?

it eats blood

Are starfish coldblooded?

They have no blood.

Describe the structures involved in blood flow for the starfish?

The stomach of a starfish has an extension known as a 'pyloric cecum'. This extends through each arm of the starfish, and supplies the nutrients directly to the rest of the starfish's body. As such, no blood flow or other sort of circulatory system is needed. In fact, starfish don't even have blood.

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Were does a starfish live?

A starfish is a salt water animal that lives in every ocean found on the Earth. A starfish has saltwater in place of blood. That is why they need to live in the ocean's.

Is starfish a cold blood or warm blood?

I am going to dodge the question about them actually having "blood" and say yes. They are exothermic, meaning that they require heat from outside of their bodies to help them stay alive.

Do starfish have a heart?

Because the purpose of heart is to pump blood. But starfish don't have blood, instead they have a water vascular system.

What color is a Star Fish?

Starfish come in all the colors of the rainbow.

What are some weird facts about starfish?

Starfish have no brains and no blood. Their nervous system is spread through their arms and their blood is actually filtered sea water.When starfish lose an arm, they can grow it back! This process is called "Autotomy." After the arm comes off, the cut area begins to heal and a new arm begins to grow. The arm that is broken off will die. However, in some cases, not only do the starfish grow new arms, but the arms that have been cut off grow new starfish.