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Q: Does steriods make your mouth dry?
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Does smoking mariijuna cause dry mouth?

yes it does but if you are used to smoking alot you probably wont

Why when you began to eat you are thirsty?

If the food you eat is dry, then it will dry your mouth up and make you thirsty.

What is the medical word for dry mouth?

xerostomia, lit. dry mouth condition from xero- meaning "dry" + -stom- meaning "mouth or opening" + -ia meaning "condition". [For memory association purposes for -xero-, Xerox is a dry ink printing technique.]

Does water make your mouth dry?

- Water doesn't make your mouth dry. The fact that you are dehydrated makes your mouth dry. If you are really thirsty drink Luke warm water as it is easier for your stomach to digest and will hydrate you quicker. - Adding electrolytes to the water helps. Add lemonade or tea powder to water, otherwise you can drink water until you are dizzy, yet your mouth is still dry. - Breathing through the mouth is a frequent cause of a dry mouth. This can be a habit, or caused by congestion and narrowing of the nasal passages.

Why does salt make your mouth dry?

your body will try to match its surroundings or hydrate it. Salt will make your mouth dry because it is trying to re-hydrate your mouth and re-adjust itself back to the balance it was in before the salt entered. i am not sure but this is what i think

Why does morphine give you a dry mouth?

why do morphine give me dry mouth

Why does water make your mouth dry?

- Water doesn't make your mouth dry. The fact that you are dehydrated makes your mouth dry. If you are really thirsty drink Luke warm water as it is easier for your stomach to digest and will hydrate you quicker. - Adding electrolytes to the water helps. Add lemonade or tea powder to water, otherwise you can drink water until you are dizzy, yet your mouth is still dry. - Breathing through the mouth is a frequent cause of a dry mouth. This can be a habit, or caused by congestion and narrowing of the nasal passages.

Does a person get dry mouth from smoking crack?

A person may get dry mouth from smoking crack. People also get dry mouth from smoking a lot of Marijuana.

How is dry mouth treated?

treatment of dry mouth involves the management of the condition causing it. If dry mouth is caused by medication, the medication should be changed. If dry mouth is caused by blockage of the salivary ducts, the cause of the blockage should be investigated

Why are fizzy drinks so popular?

It's a taste sensation. The fizzy drinks make the mouth feel clean (especially when the mouth is dry.)

How do you avoid dry mouth?

Treating dry mouth depends on the condition that is causing it. Generally, dry mouth treatment consists of managing the medical condition causing the dry mouth, increasing saliva flow and preventing tooth decay.Further info can be found at the link

Can a women get pregnant if her partner is on steriods?

Steriods make your sperm count go down, but dont stop it all together, so yes you can .