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Q: Does subsistence farming take place mostly in a developed or developing country?
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What a developing country?

A country working toward industrialization. (normally have subsistence farming)A developing Country is a country that has not fully developed meaning that there is room for improvements that will make it a better place

What does substance farming mean?

SubSISTENCE farming is what you were looking for.This termmeans the production of foodmainly for use by the farmer's ownfamily. In less-developed countries,subsistence farming is often one ofthe main economic activities. Incontrast, in developed countriesthere is little subsistence farming.-kev

What country is a developed?

Developing countries are countries with economies that have a low GDP per capita and rely on agriculture as the main industry. There is no universal definition of a developing country. Emerging countries are those making strong strides in technology and other manufacturing sectors.

Is Brazil farm commercial or subsistence?

Brazil has a majority of Subsistence farming (owned by a family or small amount of people), but that is not to say that it doesn't have Commercial Farms. When we judge whether a country is commercial or subsistence, we judge the majority of the farming. Brazil's farming is Subsistence.

Which type of agriculture is found primarily in less developed countries?

Subsistence Farming.

How do they harvest their crops in Mexico modern or traditional?

Both. There is mechanized agriculture as well as traditional, subsistence farming. This is one of the characteristics of a developing country, and Mexico is classified as such.

What factor has helped make commercial farming in developed countries more successful than subsistence farming in developing countries?

Modern technology and equipment because developing countries such as African countries doesn't have the same technology as European countries,or other countries related to their technology and equipment.

What factors affect subsistence farming?

what are the influences of subsistence farming

What are some non-examples of subsistence farming?

a non-example of subsistence farming is farming companies

How subsistence farming is fully done?

describe and explain fully subsistence farming

Is china commercial or subsistence farming?


Characteristics of subsistence farming?

Subsistence farming is farming where there is little or no surplus for the farmer after he and his family are fed. This was a common method of farming in preindustrial societies.