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No, sunscreen blocks the sun. But sun tan lotion helps you tan faster. :)

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Q: Does sunscreen help you tan faster?
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Related questions

Does sunscreen mixed with suntan lotion still help you tan?

no because suntan lotion is sunscreen that will not let you tan or get sunburnt

What will help you tan faster?

You can tan faster with applying Baby Johnsons Oil . You can tan faster with applying Baby Johnsons Oil .

What will help you tan faster in a tanning bed?

A tanning lotion

How do I get a sunless tan without chemicals?

There are certain lotions on the market today that will evenly give a great tan, but depending on you're sensitive skin, sometimes natural tanning (with sunscreen) can help a lot.

How do you prevent sunspots?

Use sunscreen. SPF 30 (but you will not get tan)

Could you still get tan using sunscreen?

Wearing a chemical- or physical-based sunscreen may help prevent the sun's rays from causing photoaging and skin cancer. It may still be possible to get a slight tan, even if you do wear sunscreen. However, no amount of deliberate tanning is considered safe. Best sunscreen

Can you get a tan under glass?

yes you can get a tan through glass but not as quickly as without glass. glass is like sunscreen

Is it ok for boys to tan?

Of course! In fact, you should tan because it is said that having a tan makes you look better. Just make sure to use a light sunscreen to prevent from burning.

how can you avoid tan lines from the sun?

The only advice I found were to stay out of the sun, tan naked, and apply sunscreen. So basically if you go a nude beach you will be fine or you skip the beach or no tan

Do Birthmarks tan?

Yes, birthmarks do tan. If you have a birthmark you must be careful of this. Birthmarks are more likely to contract skin cancer if in the sun excessively without sunscreen.

Is it suncream or sun tan cream?

The terms 'sun lotions' and 'sunscreens' are used interchangeably to describe many of them. 'Suntan lotion' is sometimes used to refer to substances designed to accelerate tanning with little or no sun protection factor. Some people use the term 'sunblock' to refer to sunscreens that reflect rather than absorb UV. Wearing a chemical- or physical-based sunscreen may help prevent the sun's rays from causing photoaging and skin cancer. You can find here best sunscreen

What way is best to get a noticeable tan in the sun?

Applying a little bit of baby oil and a low fps sunscreen to protect against sun-damage is likely to help your tanning and prevent burning.