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Yess.. Supre is a chain of shops for teen girls to woman. it has all the latest fashions and styles and always has the coolest music playing in the stores..

Supre is French and people thought it meant "slut" but its true meaning is "above" which is on top. i guess this is a good name for it as the fashion is always above. The stores are in Australia and New Zeaalnd. Every city in Aussie has a Supre as it was founded over there. The clothes shop is owned by a family who has 3 daughters.... Bet they get ALOT of clothes...

If yo live in Nz then go to New market in Auckland because the Supre there is TWO levels big and has HEAPS of clothes and bright colours!!

Thanks hoped this helped!!!

Noodwahs....... In Spanish Supre Means Mercury...

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