

Does swimming more hours make you faster?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Does swimming more hours make you faster?
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How is science related to swimming?

~There is an entire biomechanical science to swimming. it is mostly related to arm motion. the better teqnique you have and the faster you move your arms... it is scientifically proven to make you go faster. ~Also....swimming has to do with chemistry. When swimming, your are moving through H2O and maybe some other chemicals too(elements) Check out the details and maybe more of a correct answer at:

Should you wear flippers while swimming?

It depends. If you are trying to improve a certain stroke such as butterfly, it can help you get your technique down. Leading to a faster swim time. They can also strengthen muscles more than without them. One the flip side, all they do other then that is make you faster with them on but without you will most likely be the same speed. They can also simulate the feeling of going faster which for some people helps them in the pool.

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Stephanie's achievements were to get faster and be more athletic so she can win more medals

You get cold when swimming why?

This tends to happen after a few hours in 80 degree water. It means you are developing hypothermia. Avoid swimming for more than 3 hours straight.

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What technology advances have occurred in relation to swimming?

Over the past years, we have found many improvements in order to swim faster and make times more accurate. Swim suits have become more durable to the water, in a sense to make you go faster. Touch pads have also been introduced, making a substitute for timers.

Do you want more or less fluid friction while swimming?

You want less friction. Then you will go faster.

What makes you lose weight faster swimming or running?

I think it's swimming it is running but as a swimmer i will say that you work more muscle groups and it is lowwer impact on joints

Why does bacteria grow faster on a wet swimming suit?

Because bacteria likes moist, damp and warm places to grow. Mold specifically requires moisture in order to grow and the swimming suit being wet and in hot environments more often, it is more likely to develop bacteria faster.

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Yes, it does, but they should be eaten within 2-3 hours of prep, they will not have browned in that period.