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No, synaptic transmission is chemical, not electrical.

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Q: Does synaptic transmission involve electrical information to pass from terminal button to dendrites of another neuron?
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What is the difference between synaptic and nerve impulse transmission?

Synaptic transmission is chemical, while nerve impulse or axonal transmission is electrical.

A nerve poison that blocked neurotransmitter receptors on the dendrites would?

prevent transmission across the synaptic cleft

Who do dendrites talk to?

Synaptic End Bulbs

What are similarities neuro synaptic transmission and nerve conductive have?

both are electrical movement

Do membranes of the dendrites contain chemically gated ion channels?

Yes, the membranes of dendrites contain chemically gated ion channels. These channels open or close in response to specific neurotransmitters binding to their receptors, allowing ions such as sodium, potassium, or calcium to flow into or out of the dendrite. This ion movement is crucial for generating electrical signals in dendrites and communication between neurons.

Do dendrites receive chemical or electrical messages from other cells?

both, but usually biochemical since the synaptic gap is normally too wide for bioelectrical signals to cross.

Which structure in the neuron receives information from another nerve cell?

Its the synaptic cleft found at the end of the axon terminal.

Chemicals that cross the synaptic space from the axon to the dendrites are called?


How does a dendrite receive a signal?

Dendrites receive signals from post-synaptic nerve

What is the function of a neuron's dendries?

In general, but not always, dendrites receive neurochemical information from neurotransmitters released by axons. Dendrites are branched extensions of the neuronal cell body, or soma, that receive information from other neurons. The dendrite is the post-synaptic portion of many synapses within the nervous system that contains synaptic receptors that bind to neurotransmitters and respond by excitation or inhibition of the membrane potential.

What is a presynaptic neuron?

a neuron from the axon terminal of which an electrical impulse is transmitted across a synaptic cleft to the cell body or one or more dendrites of a postsynaptic neuron by the release of a chemical neurotransmitter.

How does synaptic transmission take place?

The synaptic transmission is where the communication between the terminal button and the dendrite occur. What happens is the impulse moves along the axon and release neurotransmitter from the end plate of the presynaptic neuron and are diffused across the synaptic cleft. This creates a depolarization of the dendrites of the postsynaptic neuron. When that happens the postsynaptic's sodium channels to open and start the action potential. Once the channels are open an enzyme called cholinesterase is released from postsynaptic membrane and it acts to destroy the neurotransmitters. When they are destroyed the sodium channels close and begins recovery.