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Pine tar it has many cancerogenic substances.You must use them carefully and not for a long periods.

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12y ago

The tar and other microscopic particles in the smoke are what causes disease in the lungs.

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Q: Does tar give you cancer
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What does tar causes?

Tar Causes Lung Cancer.

Is tar a carcinogen?

The chemicals in tar can cause bladder and kidney cancer. They can cause liver cancer. They can cause stomach cancer.

What sort of cancer can tar cause?

Lung cancer.

What are carcinogens in cigarettes?

Tar and Cancer

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Which is the main ingredient of cigarette which cause emphysema and cancer?

its tar because of its sticky property

How cigarettes cause cancer?

there is tar and rat poisoning in them

Why does tar cause cancer?

Tar causes cancer because it contains a number of harmful chemicals and hazardous gases that are very bad for the environment. It is especially bad for children.

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What are the long term effects for heavy use of cigarettes?

lung cancer, heart failier, tar blocks the arteries, blood cancer, mouth cancer

What can cigarette cause in a person body?

It can cause lung cancer because of the tar.

What are the advantages of public smoking?

Lung cancer, tar, emphysema, for smokers and nonsmokers