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It depends on who gets the tax reduction. When poverty stricken people receive a tax reduction, the money stays in their community. The latest experiment with trickle down economics did something else. A number of rich people invested their money in opportunities in China and India. The money trickled down to the people in those countries. It did not increase anyone's income in the United States except the original recipient.

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Q: Does tax cut increase aggregate real income by the amount of the tax reduction?
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there is no answer hahahaha / oh very intelligent - well done !!

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No not as a tax reduction. But when your 1040 federal income tax return using the schedule D of the 1040 is completed correctly and you have a capital loss on the sale of the stock it is possible that the limited amount of the loss would reduce your taxable income amount and thus could cause a reduction in your income liability when you get to the to page 2 Line 44 of your 1040 federal income tax return. Today is July 28 2010.