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Temperature itself is not a substance and is not composed of atoms or molecules. However it is a measure of the activity of the atoms or molecules of the substance you are measuring the temperature of. That is, the warmer a substance becomes the more active are its atoms and the higher its temperature.

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Yes. The temperature in the nucleus is the same as the temperature outside the nucleus.

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Q: Does temperature have atoms and molecules?
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What is The measure of the average amount of kenetic energy of the atoms and molecules in a material?

Temperature is the measure (in degrees Kelvin) of the average kinetic energy of the atoms and molecules of a material.

How active matters atoms and molecules are?

... depends on temperature.

How does thermal energy temperature affect the motion of an atom or molecule?

As thermal energy temperature increases, the motion of atoms or molecules also increases. This is because higher temperatures provide more energy for the atoms or molecules to move faster and vibrate more vigorously. Conversely, as temperature decreases, the motion of atoms or molecules slows down.

Which term describes a measurement of the movement of atoms or molecules within an object?

Diffusion is the term that describes the movement of atoms or molecules within an object. It refers to the process by which particles spread out or move from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration.

Does temperature affect molecules and atoms?

Yes Temperature does effect the movement of molecules and atoms. This is because the warmer the temperature is the easier the molecules and atoms can move, while on the contrary, the colder the temperature is the more difficult it is for the molecules and atoms move around

What is the movement of atoms in a liquid during a temperature changes both increases and decreases?

As temperature increases, the atoms will move around more energetically - moving on average faster. Translational speeds increase, rotational speeds of the molecules increase, and the magnitude of vibrations of the atoms about their bonds in molecules increase As temperature decreases, the atoms move around less energetically - moving on average slower. Translational speeds decrease, rotational speeds of the molecules decrease, and the magnitude of vibrations of the atoms about their bonds in molecules decrease

Can the atoms and molecules in matter move faster at higher temperature?

yes atoms and molecules do move faster at higher temperatures, at higher temperatures the atoma and molecules absorb more kinetic energy

How many atoms are found in 9 molecules of nitrogen gas?

At standard temperature and pressure, nitrogen contains two atoms per molecule. Therefore 9 molecules contain 18 atoms.

Is a decrease in temperature a result of a decrease in kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules?


Is big bang molecules are of atoms?

Molecules did not exist at the time of the Big Bang and not even in the immediate time after. To make molecules one needs atoms but it took about 370.000 years after the Big Bang for the temperature had dropped enough for atoms to be stable.

Are atoms and molecules always in motion?

Yes, atoms and molecules are always in motion due to their kinetic energy. This motion can vary in speed and direction depending on factors such as temperature and pressure. Even at absolute zero temperature, atoms still exhibit vibrational motion.

Which term describes how fast atoms or molecules inside an object are moving?

temperature APEXXX