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Yes Temperature does effect the movement of molecules and atoms. This is because the warmer the temperature is the easier the molecules and atoms can move, while on the contrary, the colder the temperature is the more difficult it is for the molecules and atoms move around

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13y ago
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9y ago

The particles gain energy and move faster.

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14y ago

What is the questions? Atoms do not change temperature. They do not get hot or cold. What we call temperature is really a measure of the mass and velocity of the atoms in a substance. Temperature is a measure of the average Kinetic energy of the atoms in a substance.

Kinetic energy = ½ Mass·Velocity2

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15y ago

idk. lol. but when they turn from cold to hot the atoms get mushed together and they collide. i hope this helped... x_x

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14y ago

its slows them down. at absolute zero the molecules and atoms do not move

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12y ago

Amile badila over thinks that the elements.................................this awnswer makes no scence u have to finish your scentence for people to get it

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9y ago

temperture is a measure of particle increase of temperature,in a sense is an increase of average movement of the particle vibrations,spins,and lateral movement

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Q: Does temperature affect molecules and atoms?
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Does temperature have atoms and molecules?

Temperature itself is not a substance and is not composed of atoms or molecules. However it is a measure of the activity of the atoms or molecules of the substance you are measuring the temperature of. That is, the warmer a substance becomes the more active are its atoms and the higher its temperature.

How does temperature affect reaction rate hot?

The Hotter the temperature, the faster the particle moves. During the reaction, atoms transfer in different molecules (or compounds), therefore the temperature does affect the speed of the reaction.

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In solids, heat is the energy of vibrating molecules or atoms; the higher the temperature, the greater the vibration. And when molecules or atoms vibrate more, there will be more space between them.

Does temperature affect van der waal's forces?

Temperature increases the vibrational energy of atoms and molecules. As a result, molecules vibrate with more intensity and van der waal's forces are broken.

What is The measure of the average amount of kenetic energy of the atoms and molecules in a material?

Temperature is the measure (in degrees Kelvin) of the average kinetic energy of the atoms and molecules of a material.

Which term describes a measurement of the movement of atoms or molecules within an object?

Temperature. When atoms or molecules move faster, the temperature is higher. At Absolute Zero, all movement would stop.

How active matters atoms and molecules are?

... depends on temperature.

How does salt affect the movement of molecules?

Salt affect the movement of molecules due to its atoms and neurons and electrons contains it.

How does adding or removing energy affect the movement of atoms and molecules?

The more energy removed, the slower the motion of the atoms and molecules.

Coefficient of Temperature depends on?

Temperature depends on the average kinetic energy of atoms and molecules.

Does temperature measure the heat of the particles of a materials?

Temperature is a measure of the vibrations of the atoms and molecules.

How does the addition of hydrogen atoms affect the milk protein molecules?

To my best knowledge hydrogen atoms or molecules do NOT affect proteins in general and in milk. Maybe they have more influence on milk FAT.