

Does terbium have a odor

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Does terbium have a odor
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Is terbium synthetic or natural?

terbium is synthetic i believe

How many electrons do terbium have?

Terbium has 65 electrons

Does terbium burn?

Terbium is flammable and burns with a yellowish flame.

What is the element symbol for terbium?

The symbol for the element Terbium is Tb

What is the atomic mass of terbium?

The atomic mass of terbium is 158.92

A slogan for terbium?

Green trichromatic

What is the atomic weight of terbium?

The atomic weight of terbium is 158.93 amu.

What period is terbium in?

Terbium is in the period 6 and is a member of lanthanoids family.

What does scandium and terbium means?

Scandium is element 21, and terbium is element 65.

What is more active berkelium or terbium?

Berkelium has the electronegativity 1,3 in the L. Pauling scale; terbium has an electronegativity of 1,1. Berkelium is more reactive than terbium.

Who discovered the element terbium?

The element terbium was discovered in 1843 by Carl Gustaf Mosander, a chemist living in Sweden. Terbium has the symbol Tb and its atomic number is 65.

What is the atomic number of terbium?

Terbium, with the chemical symbol Tb, is the chemical element with the atomic number 65.