

Does testosterone make people aggressive

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Does testosterone make people aggressive
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Does testosterone make people more aggressive?

wello they make you angry by...... why are you asking this?

What does testosterone mean?

Testosterone is a hormone present in all people but particularly present in males. Testosterone helps the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics in boys and men. Testosterone also has an effect on mental and behavioural processes, tending to make people more aggressive and competitive, better at spatial relations and worse at multitasking.

Which is more aggressive male clown fish or female?

Male because it has testosterone which make it more agresive

What happend if there is too much Testosterone in your body?

Aggressive behavior

Is it true that Testosterone is a hormone that makes people more aggressive?

Science does not know for sure whether or not testosterone causes aggression. Although convincing relationships have been found between testosterone and aggression, hormones in general cannot cause a particular behavioral outcome; they can only facilitate or inhibit the likelihood that such an outcome will occur. There are a significant population of males that are not aggressive.

What hormones lead to aggressive behavior?

Estrogen and testosterone are hormones that can effect behavior. Too much testosterone can be a cause of aggressive behavior. Aggression can be a major problem and you should talk to your doctor if you are experiencing it.

Does desexing a dog at two make them less aggressive?

Neutering or spaying a dog does eventually make them less aggressive, yes, when their body stops producing too much testosterone. Neutered or spayed animals also have a longer life expectancy.

Why geld a mule?

Because mules still produce testosterone making them aggressive

Why do guys get in trouble more than girls in school?

(young) men have more of a hormone called testosterone than (young) women. And high testosterone makes people aggressive, competitive and rash. This together with a general slump in sense of jusdgment that happens in the teens is a fine breeding ground for trouble.

What is a hormone make a boy develope a deep voice when he reaches puberty?

The name of that hormone is testosterone. This hormone is responsible for secondary sex characters in the boys. This hormone makes them aggressive. It is secreted by the endocrine cells from your testes.

Does the darkness of a lions mane indicate how aggressive it is?

The darkness of a lion's mane is an indicator of how much testosterone he has. Testosterone is most often associated with aggression, so be wary when you see a lion with a deep dark mane.

Will testosterone hurt a 62 year old man?

Not particularly. The side effects of testosterone therapy are these:increased acneincreased aggressive behaviorincreased risk of prostate cancerexacerbation of enlarged prostatetesticular hypotrophy (shrinking of testicles)