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wello they make you angry by...... why are you asking this?

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Yes they can.

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Q: Does testosterone make people more aggressive?
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Which is more aggressive male clown fish or female?

Male because it has testosterone which make it more agresive

What does testosterone mean?

Testosterone is a hormone present in all people but particularly present in males. Testosterone helps the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics in boys and men. Testosterone also has an effect on mental and behavioural processes, tending to make people more aggressive and competitive, better at spatial relations and worse at multitasking.

Is it true that Testosterone is a hormone that makes people more aggressive?

Science does not know for sure whether or not testosterone causes aggression. Although convincing relationships have been found between testosterone and aggression, hormones in general cannot cause a particular behavioral outcome; they can only facilitate or inhibit the likelihood that such an outcome will occur. There are a significant population of males that are not aggressive.

Why do guys get in trouble more than girls in school?

(young) men have more of a hormone called testosterone than (young) women. And high testosterone makes people aggressive, competitive and rash. This together with a general slump in sense of jusdgment that happens in the teens is a fine breeding ground for trouble.

What does gamma-o testosterone booster do?

It is a supplement that is meant to make your body produce more testosterone.

What makes a bull mean?

Testosterone levels..Dairy cattle bulls are usually more aggressive than beef cattle bulls.

Can competition makes children more aggressive?

Yes competition can make children more aggressive.

What can you do to help your body make more testosterone?

u have sex

Which Iowa State University professor believes violent games make people more aggressive?

Craig Anderson

Does ear cropping make dogs more aggressive?


How do you make spiders more agrissive?

Spiders are typically very reclusive, although some types can be aggressive. If you startle or annoy most kinds of spiders you may make even shy ones aggressive, and those that are already aggressive will get more aggressive and they will try to bite you.

Why are old people aggressive?

old people are aggressive because they probably not energetic as younger life forms and they are mad at the younger people because they are younger because younger people can do more and they are more energetic!!!!!