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You will be fine after 10 minutes, but the section of the arm will be sore for a few days.

Tetanus shots are really easy. I just wear a racer back tank with really cool roomy armholes. The doctor usually asks if I'm right or left handed-I'm right handed, so he puts the tetanus on my left arm. I just sit bravely on the patients table in shorts and tank top and put my left hand on my hip so the doctor can easily see my deltoid muscle just under my skin up high by my shoulder. The doctor dabs my tan sleeveless muscly left arm with alcohol up high by my shoulder-the alcohol really feels cool on my warm skin. Then he points the tetanus needle straight down at my left arm up high by my shoulder. I feel a quick stick like a dart as the needle goes deep in my left deltoid muscle. Then I feel a hard push and a deep tight muscly ache as the doctor puts the tetanus on my muscle. Then he pulls the needle out of my muscle, and it's all over. I just feel a tight muscly ache in my left arm up by my shoulder for a day or so. But in a tank top with roomy arm holes I have alot of free easy arm movement so I move my left arm as much as I can to work the tetanus into my muscle. It only takes the doctor about 5 seconds to stick the needle in my muscle,push the tetanus on my muscle, and pull the needle out. Tetanus is good for 5 years or so,which is really great cuz I hate getting tetanus shots! Omigod! they hurt!

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13y ago
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13y ago

I just had to get a tetanus shot recently and I was so scared, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. It feels like a little pinch and then when it reaches the muscle it feels like you're getting a bruise. Some people say it burns, but I didn't feel it burning at all. Word to the wise----don't stress it cause it's really not that bad ;)

For me it infected and swelled

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12y ago

Many people experience a reaction to a tetanus shot. The localised area around the injection site can be red and tender to the touch for 2-3 days. It then usually resolves. It is a very small inconvenience necessary to prevent the onset of tetanus.

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13y ago

No it doesnt. When I was having it done I looked the other way, and I did not feel a thing! I turned around and it was out, I was shocked! Lol. :) :P

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Q: How long does tetanus shot pain last?
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How long after a tetanus shot will severe arm muscle pain last?

I recently had a tetanus shot and the nurse told me that my arm would be sore for up to three days.

How long after the tetanus shot does the redness pain and swelling last.?

No longer than 3 or 4 days.

How long is a Tetanus shot valid?

12 months

Is horse serum used in tetanus vaccine?

No, and it never was. The tetanus vaccine only contains human immunoglobulin. There is something called tetanus anti-toxin that can be produced in horses or sheep. If you have a puncture wound and have never been immunized or it has been over 10 years since your last booster shot, your doctor may give you a shot of this antitoxin. It's like giving antivenom for a snakebite. This anti-toxin shot is NOT the same as the tetanus vaccine. It doesn't last long in your system, so it does not confer tetanus immunity.

How long does tetanus shot side effects last?

the actual shot is suppose to last around ten years, as long as the subject has been treated along the way of their life . that's from what I've read. i recommend that you consult a doctor though .

Can you get tetanus by ingesting something with rust on it?

Yes. Depending on last tetanus shot (if any) and whether wound bled profusely or not.

How long does tetnus injections last for?

You should get a tetanus shot every 10 years. If you work in an environment where you are more likely to get injured, you should get them every 5 years. If you get a wound that is deep or gets dirty then you should get a tetanus shot if it has been more than 5 years since your last one.

Are there any dangerous ingredients in a tetanus shot?

Yes. there is one dangerous in a tetanus shot and that is tetanus.

How long is a shot?

A tetanus shot is used to prevent lockjaw and other serious ailments due to germs entering a person's wounds. An adult should update their tetanus shot every ten years.

How long is a technus shot?

A tetanus shot is used to prevent lockjaw and other serious ailments due to germs entering a person's wounds. An adult should update their tetanus shot every ten years.

What is a t shot?

Tetanus shot.

How long do the side affects from tetanus shot last?

the actual shot is suppose to last around ten years, as long as the subject has been treated along the way of their life . that's from what I've read. i recommend that you consult a doctor though .