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Q: Does thallium isotope contain iodine
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What daughter product is produced when thallium-206 an isotope of thallium undergoes beta minus decay?

This isotope is lead-206.

What is iodine-131?

Iodine-131 is a radioactive isotope of the element iodine.

What is iodone-131?

Iodine-131 (not iodone) is a radioactive isotope of iodine: this isotope has important applications in the treatment of thyroid diseases.

What isotope is used as a therapeutic seed iplamt for prostate cancer?

The seeds are small tubes about the size of a grain of rice. They are made out of titanium and contain either Iodine 125 or Palladium 103 isotope.

Which isotope is used in myocardial perfusion tests?

There are several, but Thallous chloride (thallium-201) is one.

What is the chain of neptunium breaking down?

The neptunium decay series is finished with the stable isotope thallium-205.

53 protons 74 neutrons in which element of the periodic table?

This is stable isotope of iodine - iodine-127.

What elements are named after colours?

Elements named after colors include copper (from "cuprum," Latin for "from the island of Cyprus"), silver (from the Old English "seolfor"), gold (from the Latin "aurum"), and iron (from the Old English "iren").

What does iodine contain?

just iodine

Does catfish contain iodine?

Yes. Most catfish contain some iodine.

Will iodine ever under go nuclear reaction?

If you use a heavier isotope of iodine, it should be radioactive.

What is the half life of radioactive iodine?

The answer is simple it is 8 days for iodine-131 but it depends on what isotope you are talking about