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Q: Does the 18278 on confederate 500 bill mean anything?
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Does the number 16760 on a confederate states of America 500 dollar bill mean its a replica?

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What does he repudiate confederate debts mean?

cancel confederate debts

What does Q mean on a dollar bill?

Qs are printed as part of the serial number on older 1 dollar bills. It doesn't mean anything.

Why did Confederate President Jefferson Davis veto a bill passed by the Confederate Congress to have a general in chief position appointed?

Davis believed he and only he would make the decisions regarding appointments. While he was the Commander in Chief, Davis often clashed with the Confederate Congress over bills and appointments.

What does it mean to be a confederate?

In the civil war between North and South, the Southern States in the US was confederate

What do the symbols mean on the dollar bill?

well they dont mean anything only a fameus person what dide is drown on there and if you meat this sing $ its just a decuration.

Does the number one on a US 2 dollar bill mean anything?

Nothing about the denomination of the bill or its value. It might be part of a plate position indicator or some other "housekeeping" feature of the bill, that's all.

Who is on the 1868 confederate 50 bill?

The answer is George Washington. The CSA may have ceased to exist in legal terms in respect to The Union in 1865, But this does not mean they ceased to print on that day as most Confederate states were re-admitted to The Union between 1868-70. They were still producing money in the mean time, although a bar of soap probably cost $300 =PMoreThe last official CSA notes were part of what was called the "7th issue", or series, beginning in February 1864. While individual states did produce their own currency, these were not issued by the CSA itself and are sometimes referred to as "rebel state(s) currency" to distinguish them from CSA bills.

What is the confederate president?

If you mean who WAS the President of the Confederate States of America, that was Jefferson Davis. The Vice President was Alexander Stephens.

What does repudiate all confederate debts mean?


What does confederate flag mean?

The stars on the confederate flag represent the original 13 states that belonged to the Confederate States of America. The first confederate flag had only 7 stars which represented the 7 southern states that were in the confederacy.