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yes it does 24/7 365 days and even at night when it is lite up

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Q: Does the American flag always fly over the White House?
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Related questions

Who put the American flag on top of the White House?

Barack Obama put the American Flag on top of the White House...........

What flags can be flown over the White House?

51 flags, all the states and the American flag

What is frequently seen on top of the White House?

The American flag is typically seen on top of the White House.

When does flag not fly over White house?

at first it was when the presidnt was there but now the flag always flys

Can any flag other than the American flag be flown over he white house or congress?

No as the U.S house of congress is a American state building only the The U.S flag can fly there.

What does the American flag mean when it is not flying at the white house?

That the president is not home

What is a patriotic symbol?

American flag, bald eagle, and the white house are some

What is patriotic symbols?

American flag, bald eagle, and the White House are some

What are the colours of the ancient flag?

If the flag you are referring to is the original American flag, from when we first became a country, then the colors were ALWAYS red, white, and blue.

How many white stripes does the American flag have?

The American Flag has six white stripes.

Does Obama have American Stars and Stripes flag in his White House office?

That's President Obama.

What are three cultural symbols of the US and what is their significance?

The Statue of Liberty: Symbolizes freedom and democracy, welcoming immigrants to the United States. The American flag: Represents unity, pride, and patriotism among Americans. The bald eagle: Symbolizes strength, resilience, and freedom, often associated with the ideals of the United States.