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The Apennine Mountains are in Italy.

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Q: Does the Apennine Mountain range border Spain or France?
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The Pyrénées is the mountain range located on the border between France and Spain.

What is the mountain range that separates France to Spain?

The Pyrenees mountain range stretches across the border of France and Spain

What chain of mountain divides France and Spain?

The Pyrenees are on the border between France and Spain.

What mountain is found on the border of France and Spain?

The Pyrenees

What is Spain is to France?

Spain is the southern neighbour of France. They have a common border in the Pyrenees mountain range.

Where are the Pyrenees Mountain?

The Pyrenees are located on the border between France and Spain.

What mountain ranges separates spain and france?

France and Spain are separated by a mountain range known as the Pyrenees. France and Italy are separated by the Alps. Spain and Italy do not have a border and the Alps do not extend from Italy as far as Spain.

What mountain range is found on the border of France and Spain?

The Pyrenees

Are there major mountain ranges near Spain?

The Pyrenees mountains are on the border of Spain and France.

What mountains is between France and Spain?

France and Spain has a natural border that are made of mountain ranges. The mountain ranges are called the Pyrenees or Pirineos (Spanish).

Name the europeans countries that are separated by the Pyrenees mountains?

The Pyrenees are a mountain range in Europe, between France and Spain.

Is the border between Spain and France a desert or mountain range?

It is definitely a mountain range and not a desert.