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Q: Does the Continental Divide cause toilets to flush in different directions?
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How can you use Continental Divide in a sentence?

The Continental Divide marks the high ridge in North America that separates waters flowing into the Pacific Ocean from those flowing into the Atlantic Ocean.

What is the continental divide's function?

A geographic feature does not have a "function" - it was not placed there to do something, it just is. The continental divide is an area or line on different sides of which rivers will drain into different oceans.

Why do you think the continental divide is located where it is?

The location of the continental divide is determined by the topography of the land. It follows the high points or ridges where water naturally flows in different directions towards either the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean. This natural boundary helps define the direction of river systems and drainage basins on the continent.

Why is the continental divide?

Why Is The Continental Divide Important

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How was the exact line of the Continental Divide determined?

The Continental Divide is actually the area which separates westward-flowing streams from eastward-flowing waters. It is often times also considered the Rocky Mountains which in all actuality make up the area.

Why continental divide important?

Why Is The Continental Divide Important

Why is the Continental Divide is important?

Why Is The Continental Divide Important

What directions do rivers flow from the continental divide?

The Continental Divide divides the region into two large drainage areas. To the east of the Divide, waters, flow to the Arctic Ocean, to the Hudson Bay, or to the Atlantic oceans through the Mississippi River system. To the West, they flow into the Pacific Ocean

What is the Continental Divide where is Continental Divide in the us?

A raised area of terrain, usually mountainous, which causes water to flow to different locations. In the United States, the continental divide is known as the "Great Divide", and runs from Alaska through Mexico, and causes water to drain to either the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans.

What is a Continental Divide and where is Continental Divide in the US?

A raised area of terrain, usually mountainous, which causes water to flow to different locations. In the United States, the continental divide is known as the "Great Divide", and runs from Alaska through Mexico, and causes water to drain to either the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans.

What is the dividing line between atlantic and pacific watersheds?

Continental Divide is the drainage that divides sea or ocean. The Great Divide or the Continental Divide of the Americas is the division of the Pacific Ocean watersheds from the Atlantic and Arctic.