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Q: Does the Human Papilloma Virus carry an oncogene?
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Do frogs cure warts?

No bacause warts are caused by viruses, particulary one of kinds of HPV (human papilloma virus).

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HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is not able to live outside the human body. Racoons would be unable to contract the virus.

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Hello there! HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is literally a virus that causes AIDS, aka, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in humans only. Thank you! 😊

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When frogs spit on you can you get warts?

No, this is just an old wive's tale- the worst that will happen is that the uric acid might irritate your skin a bit and make you itch for a while, unless you wash it off soon afterwards.No way. That is an urban legend. I have never had that happen to me, nor has anyone I've ever met, so I think you're pretty safe. This coming from a guy who can't keep his hands off of reptiles and amphibians. Warts are caused by a virus, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Frogs and toads don't carry that virus, so you aren't going to get it from them.Some frogs are poisonous, especially in the tropics. But they do not carry the virus that causes warts, though they may have poisons on their skin that can kill a you. One example is the dart frog.Toads and a few tree toads produce secretions from granular glands that are located chiefly on the legs and back and associated with "warts". The secretion can be irritating to human skin and highly distasteful to predators.---Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates, George KentFrogs have warts. They do not produce warts

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What impact does the rhino virus have on the human body?

The rhino virus has a devastating effect on the human body. It makes your body swell to mass amounts. This may seem kinda weird. but if the virus gets to your scrotum, it may get about up to be 50 pounds or more in weight. I see some people in pictures and videos who have to carry it in a wheelburrow - TYler :D JK. It's just another word for the Common Cold.

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HIV is the beginning stage to AIDS. The introduction of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is what starts the condition. A human can carry this virus for up to 12 years (or longer with treatment) and eventually it will manifest as Acquired Immunodeficiency Sydrome (AIDS). HIV and AIDS are the same virus infection, where HIV presence is the first stage.