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The Linux operating system can operate with cloud if you have amazon services. It is not necessarily based on the type of computing system you use at this moment.

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Q: Does the Linux operating system offer cloud computing?
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Related questions

Is cloud computing compatible with a Linux system?

Cloud computing is in fact compatible with the Linux operating system. If I'm not mistaken, you can actually do cloud computing on any operating system.

Where can I get the Linux cloud computing system?

Linux cloud computing system are available quite readily. Since Linux is simply an operating system similar to Windows almost any cloud based system should be compatible with it.

Is Cloud Computing available for Linux Operating Systems?

Yes, cloud computing exists for Linux users. You can use almost any of the platforms with Linux.

Finding Cloud Computing Linux Software?

Finding software to help run cloud computing Linux can be difficult for some people. If you are new to using the Linux operating system, you may not know where to find the best computer networking software. Many software stores carry only a few networking software tools for Linux operating system users. If you look for software online, there are many more products for Linux users are retailers on the internet.

what is the typical cloud computing platform?

There is no normal cloud computing platform. Cloud computing is a new computer operating system that is becoming popular.

Is Linux the only host for cloud computing?

I do not think that Linux is the only host for cloud computing. AT&T and HP are hosts for cloud computing also. You can get free cloud computing at

Is Windows Azure a operating system?

Windows Azure is not an operating system. It is a cloud computing platform and set of services provided by Microsoft. It allows developers to build, deploy, and manage applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers. Windows Azure supports different operating systems, including Windows Server and Linux distributions, enabling developers to run their applications on a scalable and flexible cloud infrastructure.

The Power of Windows 7 Cloud Computing?

With the power of Windows 7 cloud computing, a business can benefit immensely. The tools and options available to users of this operating system far outweigh any competing operating systems, and those looking for cloud computing capabilities on their network can find it easier to learn about such resources on the new operating system platform.

Is cloud computing compatible with Windows 7?

Yes cloud computing is compatible with windows 7. It is the most modern form of microsoft's operating system and is compatible with almost all of the modern cloud based systems.

Cloud computing is used for what purposes?

Cloud computing is a networking system that is used to run a program on a multitude of servers and computers. This system is generally found in large corporations, presumably to cut costs, but it is also an efficient way of operating.

What are some top rated cloud computing operating systems?

There are many cloud related computing operating systems that can work with your needs, I would research what The Cloud recommends and find one that suites your company.

Other Computers Must Run Linux?

If you are going to use Linux cloud computing services because you like to use this operating system yourself, you should know that there is one drawback. Most other computers do not run Linux. They run either Windows or the latest Mac OS. This may be all right if your files are compatible with these systems. If they are not, however, you will not be able to access the cloud from all other machines.