

Does the Mexican walking fish live in the ocean?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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no they live in my nob

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Q: Does the Mexican walking fish live in the ocean?
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Do walking fish live in Mexico?

Mexican Walking Fish live in Lake Xochimilco in Central Mexico.

What do Mexican walking fish do?

Small organisms found in the mud and sand where they live

How does a Mexican Walking Fish move?

the Mexican walking fish defends itself against predators by camouflaging itself in the surroundings.

Do Mexican walking fish live in salt water?

No. Axolotles are a fresh water species.

How do people stop Mexican walking fish becoming endangered?

Yes Mexican walking fish are endangered and one of the reasons they are endangered is because they mostly lived in two main lakes in Mexico Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco. Unfortunately both lakes no longer exist, which is why these creatures are so endangered. An estimate in 1998 the population of Mexican walking fish was 1500 per square mile, but to this day there are only about 25 per square mile. Also yes Mexican walking fish do live in Mexico. I saw a map of where Mexican walking fish live and it is a part of Mexico.

Are Mexican walking fish rare?

The Mexican walking fish or axolotl eat a variety of readily available foods, including trout/salmon pellets, frozen or live bloodworms, earthworms, and waxworms.people... kidding

Where can you buy the Mexican walking fish?

Yes the Mexican walking fish is a real fish , if that's your question!Its true- they live in water and have 2 hand and legs , they are normally the color pink , and look like a breed of part frog (tadpole) and part fish ..... but in a way their kinna cute - you can find more pics on Google imagesThe answer above is actualy wrong. But the real answer is that the mexican walking fish is a salamander or a type of amphibian. They can live in water or on land. They are pink but they the fish is able to change colors.

Why don't fish live in the ocean?

Fish do live in the ocean

What fish live in the middle of the Atlantic ocean?

The kind of fish that live in the Atlantic Ocean... :))))

What are small fish that live in the Ocean?

the smallest fish that live in ocean is tiny goby

Can ocean fish live in lakes?

lakefish can live in the ocean

Can Mexican walking fish die from eating a live cricket from outside?

A lot of pesticides are used around homes which the cricket may pass through. It is possible.