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Q: Does the Monarch butterfly rest during the flight?
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How far does a monarch butterfly travel during migration?

The monarchs rest on a flower or in a safe shelter away from preditors.

Why are monarch butterfly endanger?

According to the WWF and the IUCN, Monarch Butterflies are not currently endangered. However, their migratory patterns are at risk because their routes are endangered due to habitat loss. Illegal deforestation of their overwintering grounds is the greatest current threat. Logging of their traditional wintering grounds means the butterflies have fewer places to rest during winter. Not only that, but such habitat loss reduces their supply of milkweed, a key component of their diet. There is some evidence, too, that chemicals used to kill milkweed also affect the caterpillars and adult Monarch Butterflies. Efforts to protect the Monarch Butterfly are underway, with laws being passed in areas of Mexico and California that protect parts of the monarch butterfly's habitat.

What does it mean when a monarch butterflies lands on your hand?

There is no scientific data for what it means when a monarch butterfly lands on your hand. Some people believe it means you are going to experience good luck. The monarch is the most widely recognized butterfly in North America.

How often does a butterfly need to rest?

It depends what type of butterfly

What does butterfly on your wrist mean?

It simply means that the butterfly was looking for a place to rest.

What refers to the political system in which ultimate authority rest with the monarch?


What do a butterfly do after eating?

Well, after it eats, it will probably rest then use the restroom.

Are monarch butterflies warm or cold blooded?

Monarch butterflies are cold blooded just like all insects. Monarch butterflies rest in the sun and shiver their wings to warm up when they are cold.

Are monarch butterflies warm blood or cold blooded?

Monarch Butterflies are cold blooded just like all insects. Monarch butterflies rest in the sun and shiver their wings to warm up when they are cold.

What must a butterfly do when it first emerges from its chrysalis?

The first thing a butterfly must do when they first emerge from the chrysalis is to rest and dry out their new wings.

Can you take cell phones on an airplane?

Yes you can take it on an airplane but you have to keep it switched off.You can use your phone only during take off and during landing. During the flight itself, you are not allowed to use your cell phone.Yes, but they usually ask you to turn them off during at least take off and landing (possibly the rest of the flight, I can't remember).

Do butterflies sleep?

they rest but they do not sleep. all the sleep that they neeed they get from when they were changing from a caterpiller to a butterfly...