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Yes, it does. Global warming and ozone depletion are connected with each other.

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Q: Does the Ozone layer in atmosphere prevents the global warming?
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Related questions

Ozone depletion is caused by global warming?

No, ozone depletion was caused by CFCs in the atmosphere.

Is the easrths atmosphere getting thicker or thinner due to global warming?

The atmosphere is becoming Thinner. Global warming depletes the ozone.

How are the layers of the atmosphere affected by global warming?

Stratosphere is affected by global warming. Ozone layer is depleting day by day.

What are the importance of plants to save ozone layer?

Plants have a special role in saving ozone layer. They take up carbon dioxide, which prevents global warming. Because of this prevention of global warming the ozone depletion is also decreased.

What does global warming do to the ozone layer?

The ozone hole has little if nothing to do with global warming. The ozone hole is the thinning of the ozone layer, particularly over the south pole, where the extreme cold causes extreme thinning. Global warming is the rising temperature of the earth's atmosphere caused by human deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels.

How would the presence of sulphate particles in the atmosphere moderate global warming?

They reflect sunlight into the upper atmosphere to counteract global warming. It would however delay the recovery of the ozone by decades.

How are the Ozone depletion and Global Warming similar?

There is very little connection between global warming and the ozone layer.

Can the ozone layer cause global warming?

Ozone depletion causes global warming. This then causes global temperature to change.

What happens the atmosphere gets polluted?

Big holes in the ozone (atmosphere) appear. That's why global warming is happening.

How is the ozone bad for earth?

The ozone present in the atmosphere is not bad. However the ground ozone is considered as bad as it is a greenhouse gas and causes global warming.

Which of these causes the other - global warming and the hole in the ozone layer?

Neither. Global warming has nothing to do with the hole in the ozone layer. The hole in the ozone layer has nothing to do with global warming.

Global Warming and Ozone layer and its effects on Developments?

Global warming is the warming of globe. Ozone layer is the layer of ozone. It is depleting due to former.