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It used to be the custom not only to bow, but to kiss the pope's foot and to never turn your back upon him when in his presence. These more elaborate forms of respect to his office have been suspended for a while now. The pope has to deal with many different peoples and customs and thus receives the manner in which their culture shows respect to a leader. The pope certainly encourages such reverence as he well knows that it is not to him but to the papal office people are showing respect, and the pope can only want people to show respect to the Church and its hierarchy.

The procedure observed when meeting the pope now runs thus:

* Dress appropriately, regardless of your views on dress codes and personal liberty. * Choose a dark suit for a private or semiprivate audience with the pope, if you're a man. * Select a dress that covers your shoulders and reaches near your knees, if you're a woman. Dress pants are now acceptable. * Use the following salutation: Your Holiness or Most Holy Father. * Say "Your Holiness" or "Most Holy Father" when speaking directly to the pontiff, no matter what your religious affiliation. * Listen to the pope's assistants for instructions on where to stand in the audience room. * Make a low bow, or go down on one knee, when being presented to the pontiff. Once again, disregard your religious affiliation. * Take the pope's right hand and kiss his ring if you're a Catholic. * Take and shake the pope's right hand if you're not a Catholic.

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