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No. The United States has had Presidents with other party affiliations, like the Federalist and Whig Parties, as well as some who belonged to no party at all.

Politicians may run under any legally organized party (we'll skip the details of how a party gets on the ballot), as an Independent (no party) or as a Democrat or Republican. The US two-party system has become a tradition, but a President is not required to belong to either to be elected.

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Q: Does the President have to belong to either Democratic or Republican Party?
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He was neither. The Republicans and Democratic parties didn't exist when he was president. There were people called Federalist and Antifederalist. Monroe would have been a Federalist. He took part in writing the constitution.

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No, most Americans do not belong to the same political party. The United States has a two-party system, with the Democratic Party and the Republican Party being the major political parties. However, there are also many Americans who identify as independents or belong to smaller, third-party organizations.

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In the USA: "Not linked to either the Republican or the Democratic Party".

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No woman has ever ran for president on either the democratic or republican tickets. So if Hillary Clinton wins in the primary elections then she would become the firsrt woman to run for president on the democratic ticket. In 1984, Geraldine Ferraro became the first woman to run for vice-president on a major party ticket.

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he was not either one but he agreed with the federalist point of view a lot.

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The Des Moines Register is considered more liberal than conservative, however, it is not officially associated with either the Democratic or Republican party. The paper was founded in 1849.

Is Mary J Blige a Republican or a Democrat?

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