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Yes, and no. The supremacy clause of the US Constitution declares that federal law supersedes state law. However, the federal government is limited. There are some powers exclusively held by the states. Specifically, the 10th amendment declares that all powers not listed for the federal government are held by the states or the people.

Long story short, the federal government is supreme in power, but limited in scope.

It all depends on what the case was about. Sorry I couldn't give you a straight answer, but it is impossible to determine based on your question.

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Q: Does the Supreme Court have the right to over rule a Texas rule?
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No. Texas and Oklahoma are unique in that they each have two appellate courts functioning as the highest court in the State. In Texas, the Supreme Court reviews civil and juvenile cases, while the Court of Criminal Appeals reviews adult criminal cases. The two courts are independent of each other and of equal power, so neither has jurisdiction over the other's cases. The only exception is that the Supreme Court of Texas is responsible for devising and updating the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, which also apply to the Court of Criminal Appeals.

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