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The white-tailed deer is a known enemy of the Venus Flytrap, known to graze on the plant when food is scarce. Wild hogs, fox squirrels, and other rodents are also known predators of the plant.

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Q: Does the Venus Flytrap have any enemies or predators?
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Related questions

Is the Venus Flytrap slimy?

No, the Venus Flytrap has the texture of any other house plant, and is not slimy.

Does a Venus Flytrap eat bees?

A Venus Flytrap will eat any insect which falls into it's trap.

What is the Venus Flytrap's favorite insect?

The Venus Flytrap actually doesn't have a favorite insect... It likes just about any insect.

Did Venus have any life forms on it?

The venus flytrap, the plant, is a living thing.Venus, the planet, is not.

How do you get out of a Venus Flytrap's trap?

Well, you are a human so you are larger than the Venus Flytrap so you most likely will not have any trouble prying it apart.

Can you find the Venus Flytrap in London?

The Venus Flytrap doesn't grow naturally in London however it is available to purchase from various Garden Centres/Floral shops. Try running a search on the Internet to see if there are any places near you where you can buy a Venus Flytrap from.

What type of symbiotic relationship is between a Venus Flytrap and a remora?

A Venus flytrap is a plant that lives on Earth, and a remora is a fish that lives in the ocean. They do not have a relationship of any kind.

Is a Venus Flytrap good for catching bugs?

Yes, Venus Flytraps are good at catching and eating insects.

How does the Venus Flytrap get sunlight?

Like any other plant - photosynthesis.

Does the Venus Flytrap serve as a home to any species?

As the plant's habitat is often very boggy, very few species find any use of living inside a Venus Flytrap. Sometimes species may perch or find themselves living on the stems of the plant, but it is rare for the Venus Flytrap to serve a home to any animal apart from its pray which will be eaten.

Can you over water or drown a venus flytrap?

yes, with any plant you can over water and KILL it

Does a Venus Flytrap have a brain?

No it's a plant, plants do not have any form of nervous system - or brain