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No, but the courts take it into consideration. And it will make it harder to achieve the emancipation because now you have to prove that becoming emancipated will be better than staying with your parents.

The older you are the easier it is to be emancipated generally, but in most places you have to be at least 16 for it to be considered. And only about half the states allow emancipation in the first place.

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Q: Does the adult have to agree to the emancipation even if you can support yourself and are in school?
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Related questions

What age can you move out of your parents house?

18 when you become an adult. Before this age you will have to seek emancipation before a judge to prove you can support yourself.

How can you become an adult at 16?

Sure you can. Here in CA high school students can take college classes while in high school that count towards their general education requirements, but they aren't going to let you quit high school to go to college unless you have graduated early.

Can you legally leave your parents' house if you're 16?

If your state has an emancipation law, if so you either have to prove that you have a job & can support yourself, or be able to prove that you are staying with someone that will support you if you can i know in Texas you will gain emancipation, and if you are supporting yourself you will gain a permit to buy cars, rent apartments, & have credit cards. (But if you are being supported by another adult you will not gain this permit.) This is an example of Texas though, It varies by state.

Does an adult have to be with you to get emancipated?

This isn't something you just walk into an office and do. # You have to live in a state that allows emancipation # You have to meet the requirements for a specific state, which may include having an adult file the paperwork for you # You have to show the court you can support yourself, without help from others and becoming a burden on the state.

If emancipated what finacal help can you get?

None. One of the requirements for emancipation is that the minor must prove to the court that they have job and they earn enough to fully support themselves. If they can't support themself, they won't be emancipated.

What age do you have to be until you have a say over yourself?

If you want to have a 'say' over yourself.....even if you are 18....but still reside in your parents home, you have to follow their rules. If you are a minor, the age of emancipation varies by state. You must prove to a judge that you are responsible, get good grades, and that you can take care of can apply to become an emancipated minor. If a judge signs off on this... you not only will be responsible to take care of, and support, yourself like an adult....BUT, IF YOU BECOME EMANCIPATED AT THAT POINT YOU CAN ALSO CHARGED AS AN ADULT IF YOU COMMIT A CRIME.

Can a 16 year old boy go to a group home if his grandma calls the group home if he has a job goes to school and has a house?

It's the CPS who decide if a child will be a ward of the state or not. The guardian have to give up custody to the state in order for the minor to move. It sounds like there's a lot going on here that you are not telling. If you want to live in your own house you need parental/guardians permission as long as you are a minor unless you have been emancipated by the court. You can't just move. In most states you can seek emancipation from the age of 16 but there are requirements you have to fill, like being able to support yourself etc since you will not get child support anymore. You will be like a adult and support yourself. If you can not the emancipation can be revoked and you have to move back.

How can a 16yr old pregnant girl go about emancipation rights?

Your pregnancy is against you. The fact that you allowed yourself to become pregnant so young is unlikely to help convince a judge that you will be a responsible adult at your age. In general you need to convince a judge that you are responsible, stable, and able to support yourself without assistance. Being mad at your parents is not enough. Should you want to pursue emancipation, you should contact a family law lawyer in your area for assistance.

How does 1 get emancipation at 17 in AZ?

To get emancipated at 17 in Arizona, you must file a petition with the court, be financially self-sufficient, and demonstrate that emancipation is in your best interest. You will need to show that you can support yourself, manage your finances, and make important decisions independently. Emancipation laws vary by state, so it's advisable to consult with a lawyer to understand the specific requirements in Arizona.

Can i get emancipated 2 months before my 16th birthday?

It depends on the laws of your state or country. In most places, you need to be at least 16 or older to petition for emancipation, and there are specific criteria you must meet to be granted emancipation. It's best to consult with a legal professional in your area for guidance on your specific situation.

If you live in North Carolina and move out at 16 and live with an adult in the same state can your parents do anything?

The age of majority is 18. NC will allow you to petition for emancipation at 16. You must show that emancipation is in your best interests and that you are capable of supporting yourself--that does not mean living with another person and depending on them to support you.

You are 17 and pregnant can you get emancipated without parental consent in Washington state?

Yes, once you are emancipated through a court of law, you are responsible for your own actions, and are considered an adult.