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Approximately only 10% of the energy from one tier of the food chain goes to the animal from the one above. This is because the prey uses the other 90% for maintaining heat, being able to move, reproduction, and digestion. This means that the predator has to eat a large amount of the prey to get the necessary amount of energy so they can do them processes. Consequently, as you get further up the food chain, there are less numbers of predators, as the prey cannot provide enough energy to sustain a large amount of predators. This is also why you will rarely find more than two predators in a particular food chain, e.g oak tree-aphid-blackbird-fox. this is because the amount of energy that a third predator would need to survive is implausible to be able to get it from the amount of food it would get from the foxes.

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13y ago

Not exactly sure what you mean, but the energy ON Earth increases because the amount of energy received from the sun's radiation exceeds the amount that escapes into outer space from our atmosphere. All the energy on Earth remains on it. If you are talking about the Earth moving through space, it cannot lose energy because the Earth's orbit does not have obstacles in its way. There is no friction in space.

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12y ago


Let's use an example to help us get started. The energy is always started by the sun. (That is how all creatures of the earth use it. Without it we would all die.) Then photosynthesis takes place. In order to understand the energy process of an ecosystem you should know about this.

Process of Photosynthesis: (Skip if already know)

Photosynthesis is absorbed in the leaves by chlorophyll. This traps the light and makes the energy to make food for the plant. The plant also absorbs water by its roots. Carbon dioxide is entered through the surrounding air of the plant and oxygen is released in the air.

Anyhow, the energy given by the sun to the plant is given off in oxygen. The natural gas is released for the nearby animals to breathe and live for. The plant (depending on what type it is) may give off some fruit or other food for the animals to eat. Some organisms would eat the actual leaves! Then the plants energy transferred to the animal. (Through a food chain or web, you will realize that everyone relies on everything. And if something disappears or the food chain isn't stable, then some living things might become extinct if no change is made.)

Then the animal's feces are digested by the other centipedes. If that animal dies, than a predator of that animal will eat the meat of it and gain energy from it.

Important concept:

Energy is not begun or ended. Energy never dies.

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9y ago

Think of it this way: there was a time when there was very little life and now life permeates practically all corners of the earth. The manner in which minerals are incorporated by plant life, the matter of plants is incorporated by other plants and animals, and the matter of animals is in turn incorporated by yet more plants and animals--would indicate that much of this matter remains in circulation. There really isn't much of nature that goes to ashes (out of circulation). Instead, whether it be corpses or feces, mulch or otherwise plant/animal byproduct, it is ultimately a form of bio-available biomass that can be used by other forms of life in the ecosystem. Therefore the amount of matter in an ecosystem generally increases.

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13y ago

Energy is transferred from one organism to the next as organisms eat or are eaten.

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12y ago

amount of energy decreases as it is lost at each trophic level

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14y ago

energy decreases at each trophic level

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11y ago

It would decrease

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Q: Does the amount of energy in the food chain increase or decrease?
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Why does biomass decrease?

Biomass is defined as any biological material from living or recently living organisms. Since every living organism is a part of the food chain, less energy becomes available the more it climbs up the chain, resulting in a decrease in biomass.

Why is eating meat an inefficient way to obtain the energy originally captured by plants?

It is an inefficient way of obtaining the energy that plants originally had because as the food chain progresses the energy obtained by each level decreases. As humans, we are at the top of the food chain. Therefore we obtain the least amount of energy.

Why is there usually no more than four or five stages in a food chain?

Food chains typically have fewer stages due to energy loss at each trophic level. As energy is transferred from one organism to another, some of it is lost as heat, leading to a decrease in available energy for each successive trophic level. This limits the number of stages in a food chain to ensure energy efficiency and sustainability.

Why only a small amount of the energy stored in food is available for the next organism in a food chain?

tbh, i have no idea. THATS WHY I CAME HERE FOR THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(

When glucose is used as the energy source the largest amount of ATP is produced?

When glucose is used as the energy source the largest amount of ATP is produced during complete oxidative respiration by utilizing the efficiencies of the electron transport chain. Other metabolic pathways like fermentation capture only a small fraction of potential energy compared to oxidative respiration.

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As energy moves up the food chain does it increase or decrease?

It decreases by 90% and only 10% goes on

Where is there the least amount of energy in the food chain?

The decomposers at the bottom of the food chain have the least amount of energy because they rely on breaking down dead organic matter to obtain nutrients. These organisms play a vital role in recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem.

Why does the the amount of energy decrease in trophic levels?

Every step of energy transformation have loss. Progress through the energy chain, the amount of energy transferred would unavoidably degraded. So as the chain progress it get narrower to a pyramid shape.

What shows the decrease of energy at each level of a food chain?

an energy pyramid

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The hawk, depending on where it Is in the food chain, will decrease the amount of animals below it i.e. rabbits, squirrels, ect. and/or it will be over populating the animal above it on the food chain therefore making the food chain and way of life not balanced.

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Boiling points of hydrocarbons generally increase with an increase in the number of carbon atoms. This is because larger hydrocarbons have stronger London dispersion forces due to increased surface area, which requires more energy to overcome during boiling.

Why does biomass decrease?

Biomass is defined as any biological material from living or recently living organisms. Since every living organism is a part of the food chain, less energy becomes available the more it climbs up the chain, resulting in a decrease in biomass.

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In any food chain the total amount of energy always?

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Decrease in higher levels.

Loss of energy in the food chain limits the amount of what?

Loss of energy in the food chain limits the amount of energy available to higher trophic levels, such as apex predators, resulting in a decrease in biomass at each successive trophic level. This loss of energy ultimately constrains the overall biomass and productivity of an ecosystem.

What happens to the amount of energy as ittransferred from one cosumer to another?

the amount of energy decreases the further up the food chain you go