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I think it was a monarchey.

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6mo ago

The Aztec civilization had a complex political system that can be described as a stratified society with elements of both monarchy and democracy. At the top of the hierarchy, there was an emperor who held political power and claimed divine authority. However, important decisions were often made through a council of nobles and advisors, and there were also mechanisms for commoners to voice their opinions and participate in decision-making processes.

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Q: Does the astecz have a monarchey or democracy or other?
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ok honesty i am the real person that should be answering this i am the real person is a monarchey what i am intiled too

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Why democracy is popular?

One reason is that democracy equals freedom that no other form of government offers.

What was democracy in Ancient Greece?

A democracy is a type of government that we Americans use today. Democracy means "rule by the people" . In other words, meaning the citizens of ancient Greece had the freedom to vote or to have many other rights in their city-state. Athens used democracy. Hoped this helped! :)

What makes a democracy different from other kinds of government-?

Indirect Democracy- A democracy is governed by elected leaders voted for by its citizens. _____________ I do not know why you would delete my answer. The answer above is only one of the two forms of democracy which are direct and indirect. The answer above is a form of indirect democracy. The answer I posted before is an example of direct democracy. Direct democracy- A government where the citicens vote directly on every problem or change.

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some of the tyrants' ways were similar to that of democracy. tyrants let other people besides nobles to have a say in government, like in democracy.

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Diversity in a democracy allows for a wide range of perspectives and experiences to be represented, leading to more inclusive and well-rounded decision-making. It promotes equality, social cohesion, and the understanding of different cultures and viewpoints, ultimately strengthening the democratic process and fostering innovation and progress.

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"the freedom of choice"

Respecting other opinions?

Is a sign of functioning democracy

How is a republic similar to a direct democracy?

Both are types of democracy. A republic is a representational democracy, which is mutually exclusive with direct democracy.