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Yes. These storms get so large they shoot into space in the form of solar flares. Large solar flares even affect our weather.

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Q: Does the atmosphere on Sun have storms?
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Why do some planets have storms?

If a planet has an atmosphere and that atmosphere interacts with the surface and/or gets energy from the planet and/or the Sun then turbulence will arise and storms may form.

Why does the sun change colour?

In reality, the sun is white. It appears to be different colors because of the way sunlight reflects off the atmosphere. The sun never changes color.

What storms does do Mercury get?

Mercury does not have storms, as it barely has an atmosphere.

Does Mercury have storms?

No. It barely has an atmosphere, so it cannot have storms.

How is the age of the Sun determined?

sunspots, rate of radiation, photospheric phenomena, and storms in the suns atmosphere. It is about 4.5 billion years old

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No, Pluto doesn't even have a real atmosphere. In its "summer" years, when it is closest to the Sun, Pluto's surface ices may evaporate and form a thin atmosphere, but no weather patterns are believed to happen.

Does Mercury Have storms Why or Why not?

The lack of an atmosphere in Mercury excludes the possibility of storms.

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No. Ceres has no atmosphere and therefore cannot have storms.

What causes solar storms?

Solar winds are caused by charged particles that are ejected into the upper atmosphere of the sun. The sun continues to make these streams of charged particles and sending them into space.

Does mercury's atmosphere have storms?

No, Mercury doesn't even have a atmosphere

Does Ceres have storms?

No. Ceres does not have an atmosphere.

Why are there storms on mercury?

There aren't. Mercury has almost no atmosphere. Therefore, it cannot have storms.