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Q: Does the audience effect the behavior of the ring tailed lemur?
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When was Fat-tailed dwarf lemur created?

Fat-tailed dwarf lemur was created in 1812.

Who are Ring tailed lemur enemies?

me and youthere might not be any enemies with the ring tailed lemur

What does ring tailed lemur eats?

The Ring Tailed Lemur eats different exotic Fruits, and insects.

What is the Scientific name for ring tailed lemur?

Lemur catta

Is a ring tail lemur a mammal?

The ring tailed lemur is a mammal.

How long can a mother Ring tailed lemur be pregnant?

The gestation period of the ring-tailed lemur is approximately 135 days.

How long is the gestation period of a ring tailed lemur?

The gestation period for the ring-tailed lemur is roughly 138 to 141 days.

What is related to the Ring tailed Lemur?

The Ring-tailed lemur is a primate species native to Madagascar and is known for its distinctive black and white ringed tail. They are social animals that live in groups called troops and are primarily herbivores, feeding on fruits, leaves, and flowers. Ring-tailed lemurs are also known for their sunbathing behavior, where they sit with their arms outstretched to absorb warmth from the sun.

Were does the ring- tail lemur live?

The Ring-tailed Lemur lives in the forests of Madagascar.

How does the Ring Tailed Lemur build its home?

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Is a Rind Tailed monkey a monkey?

If you are referring to the ring-tailed lemur, then no, it is a lemur and not a monkey. Both lemurs and monkeys are types of primates, but they are distinct groups.

Why does the ring taild lemur move in the layers?

why dose the ring tailed lemur move layers