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The only time a frog lives with another frog in the wild in during courtship and mating.

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14y ago

Yes. There needs to be a male and a female frog.

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Q: Do frogs need another frog to have babies?
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Do tree frogs need trees?

Whites Tree Frogs are quite happy living alone, but they do enjoy company. If you want to get a companion for your frog, make sure you get another Whites Tree Frog or a similar size frog. If you get more than 2 frogs you will probably need a larger tank. A 25 gallon tank is good for 2-3 Whites Tree Frogs.

What color is the dorsal of frog?

The color of the frogs dorsal side is not consistent. This is because many different frogs are many different colors.

How big does a frogs cage need to be?

If it is a frog that is a natural inhabitant of the area, you need to let it be free.

Why can't frogs survive in seawater?

Actually there are some frogs that live in desert ares of Austria.The catholic frog. The Flat headed frog and the Rheoba Trachus Silus frog.

Can you give your pet frog a bath?

I don't see why not. Although, frogs don't need baths, as they live by water; frogs are amphibians.

Why do frogs and toads mate in water?

Probably not. The female most likely releases her eggs in the water as soon as the male frog signals to do so, and the male frog then fertilizes the eggs.

What spell do you need to use to get the 4 squids away in secretbuilders?

you need to turn them into frogs. use the frog spell.

What are some things I need to know about frogs?

Wild frogs only eat living thing. Those living things are smaller then the frog so the frog can eat it. If you try to feed it worms, if they do not eat it, that is a girl worm. If the frog east it, it it is a boy worm.

Do frogs have fur?

No, frogs do not have eyelashes. A frog does have eyelids. They have both an upper and lower eyelid. The upper eyelid on the frog is a skin fold and the lower eyelid is a translucent membrane.

Why does a rat need more oxygen then a frog?

Rats have a higher metabolic rate than frogs.

How do you win in a Pocket Frogs Race?

U need to make sure that your frog is full of flys

Why do frogs make good pets?

If you are a beginner frog keeper, you need a friendly, easy-to-take-care-of frog. Green tree frogs, White's tree frogs, and African Dwarf frogs are some that are good starter frogs. Beginners should NEVER get Pacman frogs, bullfrogs, Pixie frogs, or Red-eyed tree frogs. You should only get these frogs if you are an experienced frog keeper. Pacman frogs bite and snap and growl, bullfrogs are huge and vicious, and can give you a nasty bite (so can Pacman frogs!), Pixie frogs are big and also vicious, and Red-eyed tree frogs are VERY VERY VERY fragile and break joints easily. So again, Green tree frogs, White's tree frogs, and African Dwarf frogs are the way to go!