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Actually there are some frogs that live in desert ares of Austria.The catholic frog. The Flat headed frog and the Rheoba Trachus Silus frog.

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11y ago

if frogs need a wet damp climate, deserts dont meet their requirements as they are very dry.

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Q: Why can't frogs survive in seawater?
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Why frogs lay eggs in water?

The tadpoles cant survive if the eggs are layed on land

How does a frogs survive how does a frog survive?

Frogs just get food and protect themselves

What is the importance of seawater?

it has a mineral we need to survive

Why frog lay in the water?

Frogs lay in water because when they lay their eggs they must lay them in the water because tadpoles cant survive on land. They can only survive in the water.

How are frogs able to live on land?

frogs can only live on land if they are wet, all animals from this catagory do this. However, frogs cant survive on land if they are dry. They way frogs breath is much different from most animals,frogs not only breath through lungs, but also through their skin. Frogs can only breath when wet.

Why do frogs live in freshwater?

Frogs are not adapted to survive in saltwater.

What do frogs do to survive?

they get scared

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Do frogs swim in oceans?

frogs survive only in fresh water so no

Were do land hemitcrabs lay eggs?

Land Hermit crabs lay their eggs in seawater. They cant breed in captivity. There have been cases where a female crab has been caught on her way to dropping off her eggs and then had them in the hermit enclosure when seawater was provided. However, it is very unlikely something like this happens. The babies will not survive.

What rain forests do red eyed tree frogs live in?

they live in the tropical rainforest because the temperate rainforest is too cold for them they cant survive in it or else they would die

Do red eyed tree frogs live in rain forests?

they live in the tropical rainforest because the temperate rainforest is too cold for them they cant survive in it or else they would die