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Q: Does the birth control implant have metal in it?
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Will advilpm or ibuprofen pills interfere with your implant birth control?

There are no known drug interactions between ibuprofen, ibuprofen plus diphenhydramine, and the birth control implant.

Is it possible for birth control to be in the womens arm?

Yes the birth control implant is usually placed in the arm.

How do you get pregnant after the birth control implant?

Having sex without birth control results in pregnancy for 85% of couples using no method for a year. Previous use of the contraceptive implant does not change this number.

When should you start the birth control pill after stopping the contraceptive implant?

You should start the birth control pill on the day the contraceptive implant is removed. If you do so, use a backup method of birth control until you've taken seven pills correctly.

Does theraflu affect birth control?

There are no known drug interactions between Theraflu and the birth control pill, patch, shot, ring, implant, or IUD.

Can you take birth control pills even though you have the implant?

Some people do so to control spotting temporarily.

Does zelitrex affect birth control?

There are no known drug interactions between Zelitrex (valacyclovir) and the birth control patch, pill, ring, shot, implant, or IUD.

How do you spell nueva ring?

The trademark name for the hormonal birth control implant is spelled NuvaRing.

What type of hip implant do you recommend?

I know that exist some hip implant from ceramic and metal. In my opinion it`s much better then metal-on-metal hip implant (this kind of implant can cause cancer).

Is the contraceptive implant more than 98 percent effective and can it be combined with the birth control pill?

If inserted during your period or within five days of the end of a pregnancy, the contraceptive implant is immediately effective. If inserted at any other time, it becomes effective after seven days.

Can a doctor tell if you got pregnant by stopping birth control?

No, there's no way to tell whether a woman was taking birth control when she got pregnant (unless she is pregnant with the implant or IUD).

Would a unborn child die if you took several birth control pills?

no, because birth control (in any method: pills, ring, patch, shot, implant) is meant to CONTROL birth BEFORE it happens. they are useless after you're already pregnant.