

Does the blue shark help other species survive?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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yes it does help some fish survive but mainly no because the blue shark its mainly everything it see's

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Q: Does the blue shark help other species survive?
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Great White, blue shark,and MAko

Is there such thing as a blue shark?

Yes.The blue shark (Prionace glauca) is a species of requiem shark, family Carcharhinidae, that inhabits deep waters in the world's temperate and tropical oceans.

Is blue whale and whale shark the same?

No. both are different species.

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Why do some animals have two heads?

two headed sharks are caused by overfishing. they mostly happen in the blue shark species between all of the 510 species alive and the blue shark can carry 125 pups at a time which makes the shark viviparous (Vive-iper-is).

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Scientists have a special tool to help them find out what species the shark was, how old it was when the tooth was lost, and if the shark had any diseases or sicknesses.

What sharks live at the bottom of the sea?

nothing is bigger than a blue whale except for a shark whale so that's the answer

What is the species of a hammer head shark?

Bull Shark, Tiger Shark, Great White Shark, HammerHead Shark, Basking Shark, Black-Tip Shark, White-Tip Shark, Whale Shark, Zebra Shark, Lemon Shark, Sand Shark, Megalodon Shark, Goblin Shark, Mako Shark, MegaMouth Shark, Angel Shark, Reef Shark, Cow Shark

Do Blue shark migrate?

no a blue shark does not migrate

What is the largest a bull shark or a blue finned shark?

10 feet for bull shark. Whats a blue finned shark? I think you meant Blue shark. Blue sharks grow to around 12 feet.