

Does the brain smell like blue cheese?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Does the brain smell like blue cheese?
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Does a frog smell like cheese?

According to the Thackrey Medical Museum in Leeds it does! Though I have read somewhere from a brain surgeon that the brain has no smell at all!

What does cheese smell of?

cheese generally tends to smell a bit like cheese

How do you not smell like cheese?

If you do not want to smell like cheese, you can avoid eating cheese and dairy products. However, it is bacteria that causes the cheese smell, so you can smell like cheese if there is bacteria present on your skin or in your system, even if you have not eaten any cheese. Bacterial waste products can be smelled or detected through perspiration as the result of toxins that accumulate in our bodies. Keeping your body clean and healthy will also help you not smell like cheese.

How do you know if your blue cheese is rotten?

# # Here are some ways to check: # # # Check the color of the blue cheese. If the white parts are beginning to turn yellowish, or the blue parts are beginning to turn green, don't eat it. If any part of the cheese is a color other than white or blue, it should be discarded. # Smell the blue cheese. If it smells like ammonia, it is beginning to go bad. The smell of blue cheese can become very potent over time, and this is normal. When it begins to smell like ammonia, it shouldn't be eaten. # Take a small bite of the blue cheese. If it tastes like blue cheese, only stronger, it's safe to eat. If the taste seems "off" in any way, it's better to discard the product. # Look for fuzz and mold that wasn't there when the blue cheese was fresh. Any additional growth could be a new, unhealthy bacteria forming on the cheese. # Check for slime. Blue cheese can develop a slimy texture when it begins to go bad. If there is any excess moisture, or if the texture is no longer dry and crumbly, it should be discarded.

What do you like about cheese?

the taste the smell the feel the fact that cheese has calcium

Why do blenders smell like cheese?

Because you blent cheese in them Idiot

Does cotten smell like sheep?

Not all the time, you'd think it would, cause that's where cotten is made from. but really, it smells like blue cheese

Why do people like blue cheese?

Cheese may seem gross to you because you simply don't like it. Whether it's the texture, taste or smell, there's something to make it gross to you. Truth is, some people like cheese. So it may not be gross to other people. It's just that you don't like it. Not to blame you for anything, there are a lot of people in the world who think cheese is gross.

What does Dustin smell like?

goat cheese

Should your ham smell like cheese?

no it should smell like real ham with bread

Does cheese smell like ponies?

no... that is just a random answer

How does blue cheese taste?

There are a few fruits around that smell and taste like that. The Noni fruit from Hawaii and the Wood Apple fruit of India and Sri Lanka are two of them. The Noni fruit is more famous globally for its incredible medicinal nutrition properties.