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Yes. Different brands use different methods for creating the paper towels, both in what ingredients are used, how thick the towels are, and how they are treated (as in chemical treatment, not being nice to them). These factors all have an effect on the absorbency of the towel.

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Q: Does the brand of paper towel affect the amount of water it absorbs?
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An example of a science fair question is "How does the brand of paper towel affect the amount of water it absorbs?" You need the words "How does" at the beginning and "affect the" in the middle after you state the object you're using to test the outcome of the subject you're doing.

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well actually no but if u think check with a doctor

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Bounty and bawny are the ones that absorb most water!

What effect does the brand of paper towels have on the amount of water can absorb it?

If You Change The Paper Brand Then Not Alot Of Water Could Be Absorbed .

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These paper towels are designed to absorb water. But also alcohols.

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It would be a trivial experiment, if you're really interested. I'm not, so I've never done it, but I would not expect them to be the same.

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How does a paper towel work?

The paper absorbs liquid

How does paper towel work?

The paper absorbs liquid