


A sub-category on the tools, techniques and projects of these papercrafts: paper making; paper folding; Origami; paper cutting; card making; scrapbooking; quilling; paper piercing; rubber stamping; embossing, and more.

363 Questions

Do you use glue and water for papier mache?

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Yes, a common papier-mâché mixture uses glue and water to create a paste. Mixing equal parts of glue and water together creates a sticky adhesive that can be used to mold and shape paper strips into various forms.

How do you make a paper tower?

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To make a paper tower, you can start by rolling a piece of paper into a tight cylinder to form the base. Then, continue rolling more paper strips around the base to build height. Make sure to secure each layer with glue or tape to keep the tower stable as you build it taller. Keep adding layers until you reach your desired height for the tower.

How do you make sheets of paper look dated?

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To make sheets of paper look dated, you can try staining the paper with tea or coffee to give it an aged appearance. You can also lightly crumple the paper and then flatten it out again to create creases and wrinkles that suggest wear and tear. Additionally, you can carefully burn the edges of the paper to give it a weathered look.

Can you make paper mache with magazines?

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Yes, you can make paper mache with magazines by ripping the pages into small pieces, soaking them in a mixture of glue and water, and then using the mixture to create various shapes and forms. Make sure to let it dry completely before painting or decorating.

What is the difference between soft and hard paper?

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* Cardboard is thicker. It is lots of paper piled on top of each other. * Cardboard versus Paper

Basically, cardboard is made from paper. Paper is generally a thin sheet of cellulosic material [most often, wood fiber] while cardboard is made by laminating two or more sheets of paper.

Also, paper we use to write on [white] is made from bleached cellulosic material, while much cardboard is made from unbleached material and usually has an amber or tan color.

How do you make a flower out of notebook paper?

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How do you make a rose out of notebook paper

How do you make a flower out of paper?

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When I was a kid, the girls would roll up a few sheets of Kleenex, clip a bobby pin in the center, rip off the edges and fluff it up to look like a carnation. The bobby pin would be the stem.

How do you make a paper angel?

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A simple angel can be created out of coffee filters and a few craft supplies:

  • Glue
  • 1 ice cream stick
  • 6-inch strip of ribbon or fishing string
  • 3 coffee filters
  • 1 white pipe cleaner
  • 1 gold pipe cleaner
  • 1 acorn
  • 1 small white, gold or silver doily
  • 2 fluffy white feathers
  • Glitter

Glue the ribbon or fishing string to one end of the ice cream stick to use as a hanger. Run a little glue around the edge of each coffee filter and add glitter. To further decorate the coffee filter skirts before putting them on the angel, either dot glue on them and add glitter or create a pattern with glue and glitter, and snip small V's into the filter all the way around for a jagged hem look.

When the glue has dried, cut a slit in the center of each of the coffee filters. Push the ice cream stick through the first coffee filter, slightly gather the paper where it meets the stick and glue it in place. Do this with each coffee filter, pulling each one a bit higher up the stick to create the effect of a full cascading or ruffled skirt.

Wrap the white pipe cleaner around the stick at the top of the skirt and allow it to stick out on either side until you are ready to form the arms. Roll a small doily into a cone and staple it together. Set the cone over the top of the stick. If the doily is too big, cut it down to the appropriate size.

Pull the ribbon out through the top of the cone and then glue the cone in place, making sure the cone slightly overlaps the top of the skirt. Glue the acorn on the top of the cone, slightly angled downward, as the head. Create a small gold halo from the gold pipe cleaner. Glue the feathers in place and adjust the arms.

How do you make paper mache planets?

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You first get a square of cardboard as big as you like I recommend 30cm by 30cm and then get a kitchen towel tube and stick it in the middle of the cardboard with tape (to get the middle of the square draw straight lines from corner to corner were the middle of the cross is that will be the middle). Then cut strips of newspaper. When you have done that mix half and half of flour and water. Then scrunch up balls of newspaper and tape them around the kitchen towel tube until it takes shape (put 1 over the hole of the tube). When that's done paste your mixture all on your mountain then place one or two layers of newspaper strips every layer you put on leave it to dry over night. When your happy with the amount of layer you have put on and its all dry paint it. Optional for extra detail you can put on fake grass at the bottom. If you want to make it shiny put one layer of pva glue around the mountain and there you go you have got a Model of Mount Olympus.

Is paper mache waterproof?

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By applying 3 coats of urethane you can make your paper mache water resistant and quite durable. If you want it to be waterproof or close to it, you would have to use marine grade urethane which is expensive.

Does a heavier paper plane fly further than a lighter paper plane?

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paper airplanes are suppose to be light to stay longer in the air so i suggest that you use construction paper for your airplane if this answer doesn't work don't blame it on name is josh

Recipe for paper mache?

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To make a simple paper mache glue mix together one part flour and two parts water. If you live in a humid area add a few tablespoons of salt to prevent mould.

How do you make an origami Turtwig?

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It is Kind of tricky. You take a piece of paper, Fold it in half, fold it again, and again.then fold to make ears. If u take a pikachu Pokemon. Do some changes U can make an Eevee.

What is the difference between card and cardboard?

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No. Even though the name has board in it. This is made from paper. Perhaps the makers wanted people to think that it is as strong as a wooden board.

What is cardstock paper made out of?

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form_title= Cardstock Paper form_header= Don't worry about flimsy paper when you have cardstock. How many sheets of card stock do you need?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5} What color do you want the card stock?*= _ [50] Do you want the card stock delivered?*= () Yes () N0

What is fabric felt made from?

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In the automotive industry, it damps the vibrations between interior panels and also stops dirt entering into some ball/cup joints. A felt-covered board can be used in storytelling to small children. Piano hammers are made of wool felt around a wooden core. The density and springiness of the felt is a major part of what creates a piano's tone.

What is 80gsm paper?

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ans: 80 grams weight per square meter of paper size. it measures the thickness of paper.

What did the Chinese use to paper mache?

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The Chinese made paper out of rags by chopping them finely, putting them in water and mashing it flat. They would then press out the water and let it dry in the sun.

How do you make a airplane out of cardboard boxes?

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would you like it to fly (and for how far ) - or is it simply for display?

Can you fold paper so it must be torn to unfold?

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No. Folding does not alter the topology of the paper.

How do you make an origami Kirby?

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You can order the instructional origami kit from Japan titled "Kirby Right Back At Ya!"; it contains not only Kirby but other characters as well. If that is not an option and you are feeling ambitious, there are instructions on the link below on how to make a papercraft Kirby. It's not origami, but it's all I could find.

Can you laminate craft foam sheets with the same laminator used for paper lamination?

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Yes, you can. I think the link below will be especially helpful to you in the procedure as well as displaying available products towards achieving that end.

How can I make a boat out of a shoe box?

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I know how. My cousin taught me how. what u do is u ....................................... and there u go!!! a TRUCK SHOEBOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude... seriously all u need 2 do is cut in the shape of a car and put on construction paper for windows and if u want make some designs or add stickers. Paint it and

VOILA!!! there is your truck made of a shoe box!!!!!

How many layers should you put on paper mache?

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Several. You want to cover what ever it is you are making. Let it dry completely before painting.