


Origami is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding popularized in the early part of the 20th century. The primary goal of origami art is to transform a flat sheet of paper into a sculpture through various sculpting and folding techniques.

385 Questions

What is the largest origami structure in the world?

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Two things rate as the largest origami structures.

A 81.94 m [268 ft 10 in] crane was constructed 2009 in Hiroshima, Japan as part of the Peace Piece Project.

The longest project was a 649 m (2128 ft) catepillar in Germany 2004. It took 60 people 60 hours and 25,000 sheets of paper to make this big bug.

How Do You Make A Origami Beagle?

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You can visit Adamsara's youtube channel for a origami pelican and other designs.

How do you make an oragami?

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I don't know how, I'm just a beginner. But I'm sure that if you searched oragami elephant on youtube or something, it would bring up a step by step instruction video. I know they are possible to make, because I've seen pictures of oragami elephants made out of dollar bills.

How do you make a paper angel?

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A simple angel can be created out of coffee filters and a few craft supplies:

  • Glue
  • 1 ice cream stick
  • 6-inch strip of ribbon or fishing string
  • 3 coffee filters
  • 1 white pipe cleaner
  • 1 gold pipe cleaner
  • 1 acorn
  • 1 small white, gold or silver doily
  • 2 fluffy white feathers
  • Glitter

Glue the ribbon or fishing string to one end of the ice cream stick to use as a hanger. Run a little glue around the edge of each coffee filter and add glitter. To further decorate the coffee filter skirts before putting them on the angel, either dot glue on them and add glitter or create a pattern with glue and glitter, and snip small V's into the filter all the way around for a jagged hem look.

When the glue has dried, cut a slit in the center of each of the coffee filters. Push the ice cream stick through the first coffee filter, slightly gather the paper where it meets the stick and glue it in place. Do this with each coffee filter, pulling each one a bit higher up the stick to create the effect of a full cascading or ruffled skirt.

Wrap the white pipe cleaner around the stick at the top of the skirt and allow it to stick out on either side until you are ready to form the arms. Roll a small doily into a cone and staple it together. Set the cone over the top of the stick. If the doily is too big, cut it down to the appropriate size.

Pull the ribbon out through the top of the cone and then glue the cone in place, making sure the cone slightly overlaps the top of the skirt. Glue the acorn on the top of the cone, slightly angled downward, as the head. Create a small gold halo from the gold pipe cleaner. Glue the feathers in place and adjust the arms.

How do you make a origami tank with two sheets of paper?

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Below is a related link to a video tutorial on how to fold an origami tank .

How do you make an origami pineapple?

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Well, to be honest, I have no idea. Making pineapples with origami is complicated, for there is no simple way of making them. You have to create a modular pineapple, and that takes a long time. Just google origami pineapple. There are plenty of tutorials and pictures. Amazing pictures. My fave is definitely the time lapse of a pineapple. It is so cute and actually looks quite real. You can always buy an origami pineapple from the shops. They sell them in peeks. Well, they did in the summer, because we bought one for our holiday as it was my sister's 14th birthday party. We did a treasure hunt. Anyway. I think you are just better off buying a real or origami pineapple because if you are not too skilled, it probably will not turn out too well. Stick to simple things if you are a beginner, such as a swan. That's quite difficult in itself. Took me 1 year to learn and memorise it. Well, good luck with whatever you do :) *u* (:

How do you make an origami fox?

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John Montroll has a sweet fox design in his book "Origami Wild Animals"

How do you crease paper without it bunching up?

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you fold it in the direction and neatly use something hard like a fingernail or coin to fold the paper even more

When was origami invented?

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Origami is an art of paper folding.

Origami was made by Japanese people in Japan.

They raced at the art.

It is also a tradition in japan. Almost every Japanese kid knows how to do origami.

When was origami called art?

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How do you make an origami ship out of dollar bills?

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It is about the same as normal paper. Just follow the instructions in the related link (Scroll down on this page.)

How do you make hippo origami?

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You can get patterns at 2 site & or call up origami patterns. John Montroll has a nice one in his book "Origami Wild Animals" and Zulal Ayture-Scheele provides a design in her book "Beautiful Origami"

How do you make a tetrahedron?

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you can use your favorite 3d creation program of your choice, i prefer Rhino, or Alebra. Make a pentagon, copy, and rotate the sides from the center of the first pentagon exactly 63.43 degrees or the complementary of that angle. Its really easy because then you just mirror that second pentagon onto the other sides of the first pentagon. If you want a more elaborate explanation, go look for another tutorial on some site, maybe youtube if your lucky. Sorry but there you go.

What are people who do origami called?

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An origami artist is simply called an origamist.

How many pages are in the book the strange case of origami Yoda?

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160 pages in total, There are 141 pages of story and 3 pages of " How to Fold Origami yoda" .

The Origami Yoda books were inspired by an actual origami Yoda I made.

I saw a picture of Fumiaki Kawahata's origami Yoda on They also had a link to the instructions, which were WAY too hard for me.

So I thought I could probably invent my own simple one instead. I fiddled a bit, made one and then realized that it would fit on my finger. That was a life-changing moment! If it hadn't fit on my finger, I would never have thought of writing the book!

Did origami start in Japan?

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Yes. It originated as Chinese Paper Folding, and only gained widespread acknowledgement as something Japanese after religious figures carried the paper and fostered it's adoption in Japan.

Is it true that if you make 1000 Origami Cranes a wish is granted?

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I am not entirely sure, why dont you try and then you can tell everybody whether it is true or not, just the other day, I made four of them, they are really easy, but dont use normal paper, use origami paper.

What are the advantages of pop up cards?

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It pops up by a card spring inside the card. As you open the card the springs gets bigger and when you close it the spring gets smaller. this makes the picture inside pop up.

Show how to do origami?

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There are many ways how to fold origami. Some are simple, and some are hard. Some are just right for you. The most popular ( at least I think so) is probably the crane, which is probably categorized into the medium section, where it is an intermediate level. like I said, there are a lot of things you can create folding origami. you could always check books out at a local library. Those books should help you make any types of origami - from very simple to the most complex.

How do you make an origami chatterbox?

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Step One
  • Step one.

    Fold the paper in half in one direction, then in half again in the other direction. You should now have a small square. Unfold and lay flat.

Step Two
  • Step Two

    Bring each corner into the center point and crease. Be sure not to overlap the flaps. If it isn't working well, you may not have had a square to begin with. Flip the paper over.

Step Three
  • Step Three

    Bring the four new corners into the center point and crease. Flip over again.

Step Four
  • Step Four

    Place the thumb and pointer finger of each hand into the folds. Bring all the points together. You now have a chatterbox.

How do you make a pooping origami turtle?

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fold a dog, roll a small piece of square paper up, close up one end and tape it up, crumple up some toilet paper, drop it into the tube, open up the dog, tape the tube a little diagonally to the underside of the dog, and voila, an origami pooping dog! to make it poop,shake the dog.:)

Where was origami used?

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Origami is totally a stress free art that gives relaxation to mind I found it when I started to play with my app Let's Fold, An Origami puzzle game for all ages. You guys got to try out some time.

What are the rules of origami?

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the one I know of is that when you make 1000 origami cranes you get one wish.

Who invented origami item?

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No one really knows. Cai Lun is officially recognized in Chinese records as the creator of paper, but samples have been found as old as the 2nd-century BCE, which of course predates his existence by at least 100 years. People have a natural inclination to fold paper when they have access to it, so origami was probably developed by numerous individuals over many centuries, as opposed to a single person creating it.