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Well, yes and no. Because if you were making the candle, how long it burns would be determined on what size the candle is, what shape the candle is, what size wick and how many wicks you put in it and what kind of Wax you used. ie: Parrafin, Beeswax or Soy etc. And different companies are going to use different materials.

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Q: Does the brand of the candle determine how fast it burns?
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How does the shape of a candle affect how fast it burns?

The shape of a candle affects how fast it burns because if you have a round candle it would be shorter than a cylinder. The smaller the shape the faster it burns.

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It matters how big the candle is then you do how fast the fire burns the candle.

Does the color of the candle affect how fast it burns?

Yes the colour does affect how fast it burns!The color of the candle does affect how long it burns because the heat is produced to darker colors then lighterbut it does not if its a all different colors

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Does the color of wax on a candle matter how fast it burns?

Maybe Maybe NOT

Does the amount of accessible oxygen affect how fast a candle burns How Please be specific?

Yes, it does.

What kind of chart would you use to graph how fast a candle burns?

Line graph

Does temperature in room affect how fast a candle burns?

Yes it does i did a science fair project and yep it did

Does white candles burn faster than colored what are the materials?

Candles are all different and burn at different rates, but the color is not a factor. The amount of paraffin/beeswax, and the thickness of the wick primarily determine how fast a candle burns.

How does oxygen Affect how fast a candle will burn?

when a candle burns, the wax is reacting with oxygen in the air to give out heat and light. If you give the candle more oxygen then it will burn brighter, but it will burn out more quickly. It all depends whether the candle has a high or low concentration of oxygen. The main reason why the candle burns brighter is because there is a better chance that the oxygen will bump into the wax on the wick. when a candle burns, the wax is reacting with oxygen in the air to give out heat and light. If you give the candle more oxygen then it will burn brighter, but it will burn out more quickly. It all depends whether the candle has a high or low concentration of oxygen. The main reason why the candle burns brighter is because there is a better chance that the oxygen will bump into the wax on the wick.

Which candle burns faster?

A parrafin candle, a beeswax candle, and a soy candle were burned at he same time. If you are lloking to buy a long lasting candle i suggest buying a parrafin candle( most candles are made from parrafin) Do not buy a bees wax candle they burn twice as fast as a regular candle