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50% of the calf traits come from the Bull.

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Q: Does the bull in the cow family have anything to do with the calves?
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Does the cow or bull determine twinning in calves?

The cow.

What does a cow and bull make?

Baby calves.

What is the offspring of a cow and a bull called?

The offspring of a cow and a bull is called a calf. If the calf is female, she is referred to as a heifer calf. If the calf is male, then he, unless castrated after birth, is called a bull calf. Castrated calves are called steer calves.

What does a bull mate with to get a cow?

A cow is a mature female bovine that has already had at least two calves. A bull is a male bovine that is used to breed cows. Therefore, a bull mates with a cow to produce a calf that has a 50% chance of growing into a cow or a bull.

How does a bull give birth?

A bull doesn't give birth because a bull is a male. The female, a cow, gives birth to the bull's offspring, and they are called calves.

Does veal come only from bulls?

Veal does not come from any part of a cow. Veal is the meat from dairy bull calves that are not needed in dairy production and are sent either for slaughter or to be fed a special feed prior to slaughter.

Are moose aggressive?

They tend to be aggressive sometimes, especially the bull moose or the cow moose with calves.

What is a bull not a cow?

The question is a bit ambiguous and rhetorical: a bull is most definitely not a cow. A bull is an intact male bovine, often mature, that is used to breed cows and heifers for the propose of producing offspring, being calves.

Do female bulls have calves?

There is no such thing as a female bull! Bulls are male cattle. Female cattle are just called cows, and they are the ones that have the calves! While cow is used as a generic term for both male and female cattle, the correct terms are bull for males and cow for females.

Do bull moose kill calves for the cow moose?

No. Sometimes the calves may get in the way of the bull and may risk getting injured from getting tossed around or kicked at if he sees them as interfering with his courting with the cow. In most cases though, the calves are old enough to know to stay a safe distance away while mom is busy with her suitor.

What do you call a male elephant?

Male elephants are called bulls, females are cows.

Do older bulls sire bigger calves?

No. Just because a bull is old doesn't mean he's going to sire larger, heavier calves. An old bull can range from a small mini Angus bull, to a big Charolais bull. Calf size is depending on the genes for birth weight in both the dam and the sire. If the sire has a large birthweight himself and the cow has the genes for siring large calves, then the calf will come out large. Size of the calves also depends on what you feed the cows in their last stage of pregnancy. High concentrate feeds fed to a cow in her last trimester can make for quite a large calf, no matter what condition the cow is in. Young unproven bulls are even known to throw large calves, especially if they have the EPDs for large calves from their dam and sire, or have a high birthweight. The chance of an unproven bull to throw large calves is much higher than with a proven bull that has already proven that he can throw small or large calves.